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Loading map.B06 Koryfasio Pisaski
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Periods Represented
(Byz), Ott, EMod, Mod<br/>Tile: EMod<br/>grinding stone: (LH)
Max Dimension
35 m. (N-S) x 60 m. (E-W)
Actual Area in Hectares
0.13 ha.
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Total (T) => Grid (G 10 m.)
Location and Description

Site B6 is located at the SW end of the Englianos ridge, about 1 km. N of the modern town of Koryfasio, and 600 m. NW of Pisaski village.[113.29] Artifacts are concentrated on a wide bulldozed marl terrace, covered with mature olive trees, and bordered both N and S by high bulldozed scarps; the site extends a short distance W onto a second, slightly lower, terrace. The edges of the terraces are very overgrown with weeds, but visibility is good within the fields.

Turkish-Early Modern sherds were found mainly near the center of the site; elsewhere, pottery was of Modern date. A single fragment of an LH quern may have been scavenged and brought here from elsewhere.

McDonald and Hope Simpson described remains of a possible Turkish inn on a hill to the E of Site B6, where they also hypothesized the existence of Mycenaean tombs.

Intervisible sites
Tragana Alafinorema (C1); Tragana Voroulia (C3); Tragana Hasanaga (C4); Bay of Navarino
Artifact Summary

This site and its associated tracts contain mostly Early Modern roof tile fragments (over 90% of collected material). The few diagnostic fine wares date from the Turkish-Early Modern periods. Coarse wares, including fragments of "Koroneika" ware, are associated with the Early Modern period. Small finds correspond with this dating.

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