Site A1 consists of at least 16 graves that lie on both sides of a bulldozed dirt road, at the E side of the Metaxada valley, some 3 kms. SE of Metaxada village. Graves are located both E and W of the road.
On the E side of the road is a high (4.5 m.) exposed and eroding scarp. Graves of two types were observed in a thin band of soil covered by maquis at the edge of the scarp, more or less at the same elevation, and partly cut into bedrock; in several instances, faint traces of the edges of the pits in which the graves were set can be discerned.[002.20] The graves are spread N-S along the scarp over a distance of ca. 70 m. Thirteen small concentrations of tile mark the remains of tile graves (#1-12, 15). Three limestone slabs arranged in an inverted "pi" shape probably mark the remains of a cist grave.[002.08]
Human bone fragments were found protruding from the scarp and lying at its base. Amidst bushes at foot of the scarp there are rocks and tile fragments that probably have fallen from graves above.
Immediately W of the scarp on the other side of the road, there is a flat bulldozed terrace with a large square depression at its center, probably a gravel quarry.[091.33]. A tile grave (#16) was noted near the SW corner of the terrace.[091.34][091.35] Two tile graves (#13-14) were observed near the S edge of the terrace in the N scarp of a heavily overgrown track, near the main dirt road.
Since the site was first explored by PRAP in 1992, scarps have further eroded. Two new graves were observed in 1995.
Material from this site consists of undiagnostic tile fragments and worn body sherds associated with tile graves. The surface of the pottery is too abraded to provide a secure date. The fabric and finger swirl decoration of the catalogued tile must be dated broadly Hellenistic-Byzantine.