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Loading map.M02 Gargaliani Kalantina (2)
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Periods Represented
(MH), (MH III-LH II), G-A, C, HL-R, (EMod), (Mod)
Max Dimension
120 m. (N/S) x 100 m. (E/W)
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Total (T) => Grid (G 20 m.)
Location and Description

The focus of Site M2 is what appears to be a natural sinkhole (D. ca. 30 m.) in the limestone plateau between Gargaliani and Lefki, approximately 1.8 km. S of the outskirts of the modern town.[091.12][091.13] The hole is completely filled with impenetrable maquis, trees and brambles; while its total depth is unknown, it is at least 2.5 m. deep. Olive groves surround the sinkhole.

Artifacts are concentrated near the edge of the hole, particularly to the S and SW, although pottery of both prehistoric and historical date was also found to the north. Tile was also concentrated S of the hole. Much of it has a distinctive light brown pebbly fabric; two fragments are coated with streaky reddish brown paint.

Intervisible sites
Gargaliani Ayios Konstadtinos (M4)
Artifact Summary

This site produced a small amount of ceramic material in a generally poor state of preservation, most sherds being small and worn. A very large proportion of this material was tile. The range of the diagnostic pottery is Middle Helladic to Modern, with a heavy concentration in the Classical period. MH III-LH II material is mostly coarse ware in the local orange fabric with tan clay inclusions. The Geometric-Archaic periods yielded fine and plain wares, and the Classical pottery includes fine ware, household wares, and cooking wares.

Much of the tile is in a distinctive light brown pebbly fabric; two fragments are painted with streaky reddish brown paint.

All texts and images made available through The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: Internet Edition are for personal use only. Reproduction of these materials without prior permission is prohibited.