Velika (2) lies 1 km. NE of the village of Maryeli. The site extends over the NE slopes of a maquis-topped knoll overlooking the Velika River, and over a weedy slope planted with oats, olives, and figs.[112.20] At the eastern edge of the site a bamboo-fence encloses a small hut and a well-manured currant vineyard.[093.26] Downslope to the E, olives are planted on terraces. On the NW, N and E the site is bounded by dirt roads. Next to the road on the north, a bulldozer has pushed large chunks of bedrock into a pile; clumps of soil still adhering to them contain fragments of tile. There is another similar pile at the east edge of the site.
Both in 1994 and 1995 artifact densities appeared to be greatest in the NW and N parts of the site; artifacts were especially plentiful in the road beds.
The majority of the ceramic material collected from Margeli is small and worn, tile fragments rather than vessels. As in other pottery found in the L area, the fabric is much coarser and redder than usual. Very little of the pottery is diagnostic.