On the Kaldtamou ridge, SW of the village of Ambelofyto, five locations where prehistoric tumuli have previously been reported (UMME, collectively noted under #14; see also PHSP1: 239 [43]) were reinvestigated by PRAP.
On the Kaldtamou ridge, approximately 2.3 km. SW of the outskirts of Ambelofyto is a large knoll (3 m. H. x 10. m. D.) N of a tin and cinderblock fieldhouse[095.29]. A small shed has been built on top of the mound, and much modern debris covers its slopes. There are piles of stone rubble around its base, perhaps from collapsed buildings; these piles include some roughly worked small blocks. The cylindrical shape of the knoll and its steep sides are probably the result of plowing and bulldozing around it. No ancient artifacts or obvious cover slabs from graves were found here by our team.
The ceramic finds from these tombs (I23-I27) are extremely mixed chronologically, from Classical to Modern, with one or two earlier pieces. It is impossible to provide any secure dates for many of the tiles.