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Loading map.I06 Tragana Viglitsa/Tragana Tholos Tombs
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Periods Represented
(incl. published)<br/>LH II-IIIA, LH IIIC, PG, HL, EMod. (3), Mod. (3)
Max Dimension
T 1: 9.5 m.; T 2: 7.2 m. (D. chamber)
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Tract collection only
Location and Description

The two Tragana tholos tombs[101.19][041.07] lie ca. 850 m. SW of Tragana village near the SW end of a ridge that runs down from the village. Tomb 1 was excavated by Kourouniotis, followed by Marinatos, who discovered and excavated the second. Further work has been carried out recently by Korres.

Both tombs seem to have been constructed in LH II, and to have gone out of use by LH IIIA2. Tomb 1 has evidence of LHIIIC-PG re-use, while Tomb 2 was reused as a habitation in the HL period. MH and LH I material seems to have belonged to a settlement that predated the tombs. The area of the tombs was examined intensively by PRAP in 1992 and 1993, but artifact densities were low and diagnostic material contemporary with the tombs non-existent.

Intervisible sites
Romanou Romanou (I4); Bay of Navarino
Artifact Summary

6 fagments of pottery collected.

UMME 11; PHSP1: 240 [46]; GAC I 11; Prakt (1909) 274-84; (1976) 265-70; (1977) 235-42; (1980) 121-25; (1981) 239-40; Ergon (1955) 88-91; (1976) 139-41; (1977): 127-8; (1978) 44-5; (1980) 34; JHS-AR (1977-8) 33; (1978-9) 21; (1979-80) 33; (1981-2) 25; AD (1976) 86-7; BCH (1962) 726; Valmin 1930: 147; Lolos 1987: 182-83; Antonaccio 1995: 78-80
All texts and images made available through The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: Internet Edition are for personal use only. Reproduction of these materials without prior permission is prohibited.