Site C2 is located on a small spur overlooking the Alafinorema valley, ca. 1.7 km. NNE of Tragana and ca. 3.5 km. SW of Ambelofyto.[094.28] The spur is covered with olives, planted on bulldozed terraces and unterraced slopes; at the NE is an overgrown bulldozer track. The location affords panoramic views up and down the valley.[094.30]
Artifacts are concentrated on the western side of the spur, on a relatively gentle slope. S and E of the site, the spur drops steeply to the valley floor.
The site was first investigated in 1992. Subsequently the fields were plowed, and numerous fragments of tile were observed here in 1995.
Ceramic material from Aladina was not fully collected. All diagnostic pottery was brought in for study but most of the tile was counted and left in the field. The site produced very little pottery, most of which was undiagnostic body sherds. The preservation of the material was poor, most sherds being small and worn. There are several clean joins across grid squares, however, implying recent disturbance of the area. In general the fabrics are soft and chalky, which probably contributes to their abraded appearance. The range of the pottery is Middle Helladic III-Late Helladic II (1 sherd) to Modern. Aside from Modern, the clearest period of activity at this site is in the Hellenistic or possibly Classical period. Fine wares, plain wares and cooking wares were collected, as well as a loomweight and glazed roof tiles. This combination suggests a domestic context.
The tile collected from the site falls into three categories, one of which is clearly Modern. Another type of tile has a dense pink fabric and often retains traces of glaze, and the other is a heavier orange fabric. It is not possible, however, to determine the relative proportion of these tile types at the site due to the fact that most tile was not collected. For example, in square 111, the field tile count was 1042 fragments, but only 50 of these were collected for study.