PRAP Site Gazetteer
L04 Maryeli Velika (1)
(R), (Byz), EMod-Mod
Tile: Byz, EMod-Mod
Tile: Byz, EMod-Mod
L06 Maryeli Velika (2)
(EH), (A?-C), (C-HL), (HL), HL-R, (R)
L07 Ayioi Apostoloi Palaiospitia
Late HL, ER, LR, R-Byz, Byz, Byz-Ott, Ott/Ven, EMod, (Mod)
M01 Gargaliani Kalantina (1)
Tile: (Hist)
Tile: (Hist)
M02 Gargaliani Kalantina (2)
(MH), (MH III-LH II), G-A, C, HL-R, (EMod), (Mod)
M03 Valta Ayios Georgios
Tile: Ott-EMod, Mod
Tile: Ott-EMod, Mod
M04 Gargaliani Ayios Konstadtinos
Late C-Early HL, HL, (R-Byz), (Byz), (Ott-EMod), (Mod)
M05 Gargaliani Analipsi
Late HL, ER, LR, R-Byz, Byz, Byz-Ott, Ott/Ven, EMod, (Mod)
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