PRAP Image Database
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027.20Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: cover slab or grindstone and robber or animal hole (from E)
027.21Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: cover slab or grindstone (from E)
027.22Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: wall in scarp from N
027.23Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: close-up of wall in scarp from N
027.24Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: stones in scarp from N
027.25Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: foundation block in acropolis, orientation 10 to 190 degrees, from S
027.26Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: cut block in W edge of square, from E
027.27Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: foundations of wall, due E - W, from E
027.28Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: cut block
027.29Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: Steve Thompson (TM#69) on scarp by bone and tile
027.30Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: tile and bone fall at base of scarp
027.31Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: tile embedded in plateau of acropolis running E - W, from N
027.32Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: bone and tile on top of scarp edge
027.33Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: E acropolis wall foundations, looking SW from NE corner of Grid Square
027.34Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: Nigel Spencer (TM#32) at triangulated point, from SE
027.35Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: Nigel Spencer (TM#32) at triangulated point, from W
027.36Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: large worked block fallen into NW corner of Grid Square, from S
027.37Film ID
028.00Yes (show preview)Timed walk Tragana to Hora - from trig point to the Palace at 40 degrees (NE)
028.01Yes (show preview)Timed walk Tragana to Hora - bend in road to the Palace, at 50 degrees
028.02Yes (show preview)Timed walk Tragana to Hora - looking at Palace at 120 degrees
028.03Yes (show preview)Timed walk Tragana to Hora - looking at Pylos and Sfakteria, at 180 degrees
029.00G team tract: bamboo upper wall of house
029.01Yes (show preview)G taem tract: possible cist grave lined with concrete and filled with modern smashed tile
029.02Yes (show preview)G team tract: worked surface of bedrock limestone, bearing N
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