PRAP Image Database
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404.04Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.05Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.06Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.07Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.08Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.09Coins found in survey 1992: two from Site B01, Kalianesi; one from Site I04, Romanou
404.10Site I01, Beylerbey: Sealstone
404.11Site I01, Beylerbey: Sealstone
404.12John Bennet (TM#4), Cynthia Shelmerdine (TM#31), Jack Davis (TM#10)
404.13John Bennet (TM#4), Cynthia Shelmerdine (TM#31), Jack Davis (TM#10)
404.14Ta Kazania (oinopoieivon of Dionysopoulou)
405.01Sue Alcock (TM#1)
405.02Sue Alcock (TM#1)
405.03Rob Schon (TM#64)
405.04Rob Schon (TM#64)
405.05Joanne Murphy (TM#59)
405.06Joanne Murphy (TM#59)
405.07Wayne Lee (TM#57)
405.08Wayne Lee (TM#57)
405.09Ann Harison (TM#52)
405.10Ann Harrison (TM#52)
405.11Ann Harrison (TM#52)
405.12Sue Alcock (TM#1)
405.13Sue Alcock (TM#1)
405.14Betsy Reichert (TM#0)
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