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161.06Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots (161.04 to 161.08) showing lower fortress of Neokastro, looking from Evdomos Bastion towards Içhisar (r.) and principal church / mosque (l.).
161.07Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots (161.04 to 161.08) showing lower fortress of Neokastro, looking from Evdomos Bastion towards Içhisar (r.) and principal church / mosque (l.).
161.08Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots (161.04 to 161.08) showing lower fortress of Neokastro, looking from Evdomos Bastion towards Içhisar (r.) and principal church / mosque (l.).
161.09Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Principal church / mosque from near Evdomos Bastion.
161.10Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Principal church / mosque from west, with road running along its north side.
161.11Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Entrance into garden of principal church / mosque from east.
161.12Yes (show preview)Neokastro: General View of Hamam.
161.13Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping views of Hamam (161.13 to 161.15)
161.14Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping views of Hamam (161.13 to 161.15)
161.15Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping views of Hamam (161.13 to 161.15)
161.16Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Details of Hamam.
161.17Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Details of Hamam.
161.18Yes (show preview)Neokastro: General view of area of Hamam. Close-up.
161.19Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Blocked entrance into garden of principal church / mosque, east of south entrance to garden.
161.20Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Blocked entrance into garden of principal church / mosque, east of south entrance to garden.
161.21Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots (161.21 to 16122), showing entrance into garden of principal church / mosque and southern wall of enclosure.
161.22Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots (161.21 to 16122), showing entrance into garden of principal church / mosque and southern wall of enclosure.
161.23Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping views (161.23 to 161.24), showing interior view of western enclosure wall of garden of principal church / mosque.
161.24Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping views (161.23 to 161.24), showing interior view of western enclosure wall of garden of principal church / mosque.
161.25Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Main entrance into principal church / mosque. West façade.
161.26Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Excavated foundations between guard post at Harbor Gate and principal church / mosque. From east.
161.27Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Excavated foundations between guard post at Harbor Gate and principal church / mosque. From west.
161.28Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots north to south (161.28 to 161.30), showing large excavated structure, immediately north of principal church / mosque.
161.29Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots north to south (161.28 to 161.30), showing large excavated structure, immediately north of principal church / mosque.
161.30Yes (show preview)Neokastro: Overlapping shots north to south (161.28 to 161.30), showing large excavated structure, immediately north of principal church / mosque.
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