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141.04Yes (show preview)View of Marathoupolis and island of Proti from Lefki: Profitis Ilias.
141.05Yes (show preview)Telephoto of Bay of Navarino and Osmanaga Lagoon from Lefki: Profitis Ilias.
141.06Yes (show preview)Telephoto of Palaionavarino and Kokkevis Estate from Lefki: Profitis Ilias.
141.07Yes (show preview)Bay of Navarino, Palaionavarino, and Kokkevis Estate from Lefki: Profitis Ilias.
141.08Yes (show preview)Telephoto view to W from Lefki: Profitis Ilias, showing Ayia Sotira area (Site G02).
141.09Yes (show preview)Telephoto view from Lefki: Profitis Ilias to SE, showing Palace of Nestor (Site B07) .
141.10Yes (show preview)View from Lefki: Profitis Ilias to E, showing Palace of Nestor (Site B07).
141.11Yes (show preview)From near Lefki: view toward Floka and Pyrgaki areas.
141.12Yes (show preview)From near Lefki: view toward Floka and Pyrgaki areas.
141.13Yes (show preview)View from Voroulia of area of Alafina. Panorama with 141.14 (left).
141.14Yes (show preview)View from Voroulia of area of Alafina. Panorama with 141.13 (right).
141.15Yes (show preview)View from Voroulia of area of tou Kourou to Hani and Pisaski. Lykodimos in distance.
141.16Yes (show preview)View from Voroulia of Hasan aga and areas north of the Bay of Navarino. Closeup
141.17Yes (show preview)View from Voroulia of Hasan aga and areas north of the Bay of Navarino.
141.18Yes (show preview)Kastro of Palaionavarino from south.
141.19Yes (show preview)Kastro of Palaionavarino from south.
141.20Yes (show preview)Main gate into kastro of Palaionavarino from south.
141.21Yes (show preview)Main gate into kastro of Palaionavarino from south.
141.22Yes (show preview)View south of Bay of Navarino from near main gate of kastro of Palaionavarino.
141.23Yes (show preview)View south of Bay of Navarino from near main gate of kastro of Palaionavarino.
141.24Yes (show preview)View of east side of Bay of Navarino (including Handrinou: Ayios Ilias from near main gate into kastro of Palaionavarino.
141.25Yes (show preview)View of Pylos and Neokastro from near main gate into kastro of Palaionavarino.
141.26Yes (show preview)Inside of eastern curtain wall around lower town from near main gate into kastro.
141.27Yes (show preview)Jack Davis on ramparts of kastro west of main gate into kastro.
141.28Yes (show preview)View of inside of western curtain wall of kastro fortifications from near main gate into kastro.
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