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114.08Yes (show preview)Site I25: close-up of tile grave to show striated tile/ looking SE
114.09Yes (show preview)Site I24: general view looking W.
114.10Yes (show preview)Site I23: view of scarp and ?slabs/ to ESE.
114.11Yes (show preview)Site I01: view of N end of ridge/ to SSE.
114.12Yes (show preview)Site E01: general view of site looking NNW/ SEA marking augur cores and back-pack site center.
114.13Yes (show preview)Site E01: general view of site looking W, showing line of telephone poles crossing site.
114.14Yes (show preview)Site I17: general view from S of Selas river/ looking NNW.
114.15Yes (show preview)Site I01: ridge seen from Site I04 (Romanou)/ lookig SE.
114.16Yes (show preview)Site I04: terracotta paving slab/ brick with mortar ontop, showing diagonal incision.
114.17Yes (show preview)Site I04: three examples of terracotta paving slabs/ bricks with diagonal incisions and mortar adhering.
114.18Yes (show preview)Site I04: wide angle view of cemetery church (Ypapamitsi tou Hristou) in left of frame/ looking NW.
114.19Yes (show preview)Site I04: wide angle view of enclosure wall around cemetery church, with church in background/ to NNW.
114.20Yes (show preview)Site I17: view of slab/ to SW.
114.21Yes (show preview)Site I03: general view of part of site on E side of road/ to N.
114.22Yes (show preview)Site I03: view from W side of road of slight elevation of site and cutting by road.
114.23Yes (show preview)View from Site I03 to Site C03 to NNW/ from W side of road.
114.24Yes (show preview)View of Site I03 from W side of road to Romanou village and cemetery church/ looking WSW.
114.25Yes (show preview)Site I03: W side of road/ view of destroyed mudbrick house.
114.26Yes (show preview)Site M04: westernmost block before church, N face, church of A. Kostantinos beyond, looking S.
114.27Yes (show preview)Site M04: westernmost block, S face, looking N.
114.28Yes (show preview)Site M04: easternmost block before church, S face, looking N.
114.29Yes (show preview)Site M04: easternmost block at church of A. Kostantinos with church beyond, looking S.
114.30Yes (show preview)Site M04: block on northern slope in rubbish tip, looking N.
114.31Yes (show preview)Site M04: block with cutting, on northern slopes in rubbish tip, looking N.
114.32Yes (show preview)Site M04: block with cutting, on northern slopes in rubbish tip, looking N.
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