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012.25Yes (show preview)H-G Jansen (TM#16) magnetometry at Beilerbei
012.26Yes (show preview)H-G Jansen (TM#16) magnetometry at Beilerbei
012.27Yes (show preview)H-G Jansen (TM#16) magnetometry at Beilerbei
012.28Yes (show preview)JLD inspecting core
012.29Yes (show preview)Margeli: Katsari from S
012.30Yes (show preview)Margeli: Katsari from S (closer view)
012.31Yes (show preview)Modern tile dumb on dirt road NE of Hora
012.32Yes (show preview)Modern tile dumb on dirt road NE of Hora
012.33Yes (show preview)View from above (from SW) Kalopsana
012.34Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): View from above (from SW) site
012.35Yes (show preview)View from above (from SW) Kalopsana
012.36Yes (show preview)View from Prof. Ilias (Church) Horas to S
012.37Yes (show preview)View from Prof. Ilias (Church) Horas to SW
012.38Yes (show preview)View from Prof. Ilias (Church) Horas to W
013.01Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): large blocks at base of terrace wall on lower S terraces
013.02Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): large blocks at base of terrace wall on lower S terraces
013.03Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): sloping "glacis" at base of terrace wall on upper S slope
013.04Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): Modern building on top of Kalopsana with flag at grave where sword was found
013.05Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): general view of site from Metaxada road (E)
013.06Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): general view of site from Metaxada road (E)
013.07Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): general view of site from Metaxada road (E)
013.08Yes (show preview)Site A03, Kalopsana (3): locus #2 from NW. Bone in situ in looted grave
013.09Yes (show preview)Site A03, Kalopsana (3): Jack Davis (TM#10)
013.10Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): pocket of artifacts in scarp of cutting for water pipes, from S
013.11Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): pocket of artifacts in scarp of cutting for water pipes, from S
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