PRAP Image Database
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104.23Nr W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to NE (Ambelofyto; Pyrgaki; Aigaleo) (on file in Madison)
104.24Yes (show preview)Nr W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to N (heavy erosion on ridge opposite)
104.25Nr W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to NW (end of ridge and extension of valley leading down S of Tragana) (on file in Madison)
104.26Yes (show preview)Nr W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to S (Palace of Nestor; Tholos IV)
104.27Nr W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to SE (Palace of Nestor; Tholos IV) (on file in Madison)
104.28Nr W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to SE (Palace of Nestor; coast just visible) (on file in Madison)
104.29Nr W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to SW (Tholos IV) (on file in Madison)
104.30W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to NE (Aigaleo; erosion on ridge to N) (on file in Madison)
104.31W tip of ridge N of Englianos ridge: to W (Tragana & coast) (on file in Madison)
104.32PRAP dinner time: Gülë (TM#15), DKH (TM#12), Ian Bennet, Cline (TM#8), Jenks (TM#17), Clark (TM#7), etc. (on file in Madison)
104.33fr. top of Papaflessas Monument: to NW (Aigaleo summit) (on file in Madison)
104.34fr. top of Papaflessas Monument: to N (terracing; Mts. E of Kyparissia) (on file in Madison)
104.35fr. top of Papaflessas Monument: JB (TM#4) & Ian Bennet (on file in Madison)
104.36fr. top of Papaflessas Monument: to S (Maniaki; Vlahopoulo) (on file in Madison)
104.37Papaflessas Monument: obelisk; DKH & Ian Bennet (on file in Madison)
105.01N part of Metaxada valley (N of Metaxada): Stavros/Veristia fr. SW
105.02N part of Metaxada valley (N of Metaxada): Stavros/Veristia fr. SW (on file in Madison)
105.03N part of Metaxada valley (N of Metaxada): Stavros/Veristia fr. SW (on file in Madison)
105.04N part of Metaxada valley (N of Metaxada): Stavros/Veristia fr. SW (telephoto)
105.05plasticene impression of sealstone fr. Beilerbei, (on file in Madison)
105.06sealstone fr. Beilerbei, (on file in Madison)
105.07plasticene impression & sealstone fr. Beilerbei (macro lens),
105.08plasticene impression & sealstone fr. Beilerbei (macro lens), (on file in Madison)
105.09Site A04, Skarminga: Jack Davis (TM#10) & John Bennet (TM#4) at "Ayia Sotira" (back lit; self-timer) (on file in Madison)
105.10View fr. Palaioloutro to S: Papaflessas? cave & region of Flesias valley (on file in Madison)
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