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078.08Yes (show preview)Last stage oil press. Turn screw type, also in family oil press building [Maryeli]
078.09Yes (show preview)Terrace wall of rounded stones and site of Site L04 (Velika (1)). Taken from E
078.10Yes (show preview)L team tract: Elevated kalderimi with water channel cut through it.
078.11Yes (show preview)Site L01, Koutsouveri: Large rockpiles on S edge of Koutsouveri plateau
078.12Yes (show preview)Site L01, Koutsouveri: Field wall running across Koutsouveri at 250°. Section in photo is approximately site center
078.13Yes (show preview)Site L01, Koutsouveri: Odd circular hole in a Koutsouveri rockpile [robber hole?]
078.14Yes (show preview)Site L01, Koutsouveri: Robber hole in a Koutsouveri rockpile and its backfill at NW end of tract.
078.15Yes (show preview)Site L02, Farfa ti Rahi (1): before cleaning and gridding.
078.16Yes (show preview)L team tract: Ruined wine press, 4' x 4' with mortar (identity confirmed by local)
078.17Yes (show preview)Site L07, Palaiospitia: Dressed stone wall in maquis N of tract
078.18Yes (show preview)Site L07, Palaiospitia: Bones, pottery, glass as found near roto-tilled olive.
078.19Yes (show preview)Photo of Hani tou Barrcas from S
078.20Yes (show preview)Photo of Hani tou Barrcas - kitchen
078.21Yes (show preview)Photo of Hani tou Barrcas , from N
078.22Yes (show preview)Site L07, Palaiospitia: Bones, pottery, glass as found near roto-tilled olive.
078.23Yes (show preview)Site L07, Palaiospitia: Line of young olives that forms Locus C
078.24Yes (show preview)"Office work"
078.25Yes (show preview)"Office work"
079.01Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Meeting point of quadrants 2 (L) and 3 (R), S of parking lot - from N (35mm zoom)
079.02Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. 8200 E/W line by house immediately N of palace fence - boundary between Quad 1 (R) and 4 (L). Points visible on flags are 8200/1820 and 8200/1800 (70mm zoom)
079.03Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Lowest terrace area collected to N of palace - point 8200/1720 visible in mid-terrace, from E (35mm zoom).
079.04Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Points 8200/1740 and 8200/1760 on terrace, from E (50mm zoom)
079.05Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Area of possible chamber tomb, looking due S from point 8220/1780 (35mm zoom)
079.06Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Point 8240/1780 from N edge of terrace, looking S (35mm zoom)
079.07Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Palace Grid. Point 8240/1820 from W, showmg E edge of Quad 4 on lowest terrace. Beyond brush at end of terrace is area collected in 1993 as NW edge of Quad 1 (35mm zoom)
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