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074.32Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): View down into structure B from NE corner of structure A
074.33Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): Blocks built into NW corner of structure B, looking S.
074.34Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - grid preparation. Looking W
074.35Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - looking down line over stakes, looking W
074.36Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - looking down line over stakes, looking W
074.37Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Resistivity in action - looking down line over stakes, looking W
075.00Yes (show preview)Site I26, Kaldtamou (#5): mound by concrete building, SSW
075.01Site I26, Kaldtamou (#5): mound by concrete building, SSW
075.02Yes (show preview)Site I26, Kaldtamou (#5): mound by concrete building, SSW, with Nigel Spencer (TM#32) as scale on ?in situ cover slab.
075.03Yes (show preview)Site I27, Kaldtamou (#3): stone pile and terrace from W.
075.04Site I25, Kaldtamou (#4): tile grave on W side of ?tumulus above spring, from W.
075.05Yes (show preview)Site I25, Kaldtamou (#4): tile grave on W side of ?tumulus above spring, from W.
075.06Site I25, Kaldtamou (#4): tile grave on W side of ?tumulus above spring, from W.
075.07Yes (show preview)Site I25, Kaldtamou (#4): tile grave on W side of ?tumulus above spring, from W, wider view.
075.08Site I25, Kaldtamou (#4): tile grave on W side of ?tumulus above spring, from W, wider view.
075.09Yes (show preview)Site I25, Kaldtamou (#4) and Site I26, Kaldtamou (#5): SSE over aloni
075.10Site I25, Kaldtamou (#4) and Site I26, Kaldtamou (#5): SSE over aloni
075.11Yes (show preview)Site I24, Kaldtamou (#2): possible cist slabs at NW side of tumulus
075.12Site I24, Kaldtamou (#2): possible cist slabs at NW side of tumulus
075.13Yes (show preview)Site I24, Kaldtamou (#2): from W (of UMME photo)
075.14Yes (show preview)Site I24, Kaldtamou (#2): from W (of UMME photo)
075.15Yes (show preview)Site B01, Kalianesi: from E, Kavallaria church in backgound
075.16Site B01, Kalianesi: from E, Kavallaria church in backgound
075.17Site B01, Kalianesi: from E, Kavallaria church in backgound
075.18Yes (show preview)Pappoulia, Ayios Ioannis. From distance.
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