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073.18Yes (show preview)M team tract: Abandoned house - N side of house, looking S.
073.19Yes (show preview)Site G02, Ayia Sotira: Amanda Sutphin (TM#68) doing dog - leash collection
073.20Yes (show preview)M team tract: Looking W at a cut block along bottom of tract
073.21Yes (show preview)M team tract: Wall N. N.B. bevelled top.
073.22Yes (show preview)M team: stretch of wall put by road.
073.23Yes (show preview)M team: stretch of wall running to road. Modern repairs and underwalling
073.24Yes (show preview)M team tract: looking west at church of Ay.ios Georgios.
073.25Yes (show preview)M team tract: E up Langouvardos gorge with team members in the foreground.
073.26Yes (show preview)M team: road, well built, grassy terraces. Ina Berg, TM#98, as scale.
073.27Yes (show preview)Looking W towards Island of Proti out of Langouvardes gorge
073.28Yes (show preview)M team: Looking SE, bedrock cut lime kiln
073.29Yes (show preview)From W, general view of Ayios Georgios and hilltop.
073.30Yes (show preview)Ann Harrison (TM#52) in Schoolhouse in Hora
073.31Yes (show preview)Cynthia Shelmerdine (TM#31) in School house in Hora
073.32Yes (show preview)Sebastian Heath (TM#53) in School house in Hora
073.33Yes (show preview)Sue Alcock (TM#1) in School house in Hora
073.34Yes (show preview)Sebastian Heath (TM#53) and Debi Harlan (TM#12) in School House in Hora
073.35Yes (show preview)Aristea Poulaki (TM#94) in School House in Hora
073.36Yes (show preview)Shari Stocker (TM#33) in School House in Hora
074.01Yes (show preview)Site C04, Hasanaga: View of "Press B" looking E
074.02Yes (show preview)Site C04, Hasanaga: NE corner of house, looking SW.
074.03Yes (show preview)Site C04, Hasanaga: View of E side of house with ruined courtyard attached. Looking SW. Note niches near Sue Alcock (TM#1).
074.04Yes (show preview)Site C04, Hasanaga: View along E side of main enclosure wall, looking S.
074.05Yes (show preview)Site C04, Hasanaga: From NE corner of enclosure, view of E side of house. Looking NW
074.06Yes (show preview)Site C04, Hasanaga: View of S wall of main enclosure, with loopholes near TM#1. Looking S.
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