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071.18Yes (show preview)K team tract: pot on U-shaped stones, built for fire
071.19Yes (show preview)K team tract: rock-cut aloni, 30-40 years old according to landowner
071.20Yes (show preview)Site K04, Koutsouveri: stone cover slab? with dense tile scatter and mound (possible tomb) from NW (close-up)
071.21Yes (show preview)Site K04, Koutsouveri: Tile scatter, mound and stone from a distance (from NW)
071.22Yes (show preview)K team tract: Wall from SE, looking at interior.
071.23Yes (show preview)K team tract: Wall, W exterior. Dry stone and tile construction.
071.24Yes (show preview)K team tract: N side and NW corner of wall, from S.
071.25Yes (show preview)Site D02, Megas Kambos (1): Dense pottery scatter at N end of grid square.
071.26Yes (show preview)Site D02, Megas Kambos (1): Dense pottery scatter at N end of grid square (close-up)
071.27Yes (show preview)K team tract: Entrance of lime kiln, from E.
071.28Yes (show preview)K team tract: Interior, N wall of lime kiln, from SE.
071.29Yes (show preview)Site K05, Krystallopiyi: lime kiln
071.30Yes (show preview)K team tract: overgrown pile of stone and pithos and tile fragments, from SW
071.31Yes (show preview)K team tract: close-up of overgrown pile - showing tile and pithos fragments.
071.32Yes (show preview)K team tract: mound of earth - probably field clearance and dump, from W
071.33Yes (show preview)Site K03, Kastraki: Wall on top of site, from N.
071.34Yes (show preview)Site K03, Kastraki: From top of hill, looking W towards church of Ayios Georgios near Bouka
071.35Yes (show preview)Site K03, Kastraki: Detail of wall on top of site - from SE
071.36Yes (show preview)Site K03, Kastraki: Large cut blocks in terrace wall, seen from S
071.37Yes (show preview)Site K03, Kastraki: Scarp, from W, showing pottery eroding from scarp onto path - from 2 possible Mycenean graves - with stones above in arch shape
072.01Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity stake line, looking W
072.02Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity stake line, looking W
072.03Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity stake line, looking W
072.04Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity, close up of Falko Kuhnke (TM#103), looking W.
072.05Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: Work on resistivity, Geophysical team at Palace of Nestor.
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