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070.05Yes (show preview)M team tract: Ruined spitakia and sheep closure with team members.
070.06Yes (show preview)M team tract: Pithos fragment, looking SW.
070.07Yes (show preview)M team tract: Interior of sheep pen.
070.08Yes (show preview)M team tract: Sheep pen from side.
070.09Yes (show preview)M team tract: Sheep pen.
070.10Yes (show preview)M team tract: Sheep pen and house.
070.11Yes (show preview)M team tract: tiles eroding out of scarp.
070.12Yes (show preview)M team tract: Looking W down valley N of Tsouka to Island of Proti
070.13Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: M Team pick-up. General view of terraces on W side of Palace. Charles Whatkinson, TM#36, points out trackway providing anomalously high densities noted in B94-90740519 and B94-90740619.
070.14Yes (show preview)M team tract: From E looking W, large multiple quarries.
070.15Yes (show preview)M team tract: From E, team members and large multiple quarries.
070.16Yes (show preview)M team tract: Lime kiln from W.
070.17Yes (show preview)M team tract: Lime kiln from W.
070.18Yes (show preview)M team tract: Ruined house from E with Susanne Hofstra (TM#14) as scale.
070.19Yes (show preview)M team tract: Ruined house from E with Susanne Hofstra (TM#14) as scale.
070.20Yes (show preview)Site M01, Kalantina (1): From W, contexts out of which lithics are emerging.
070.21Yes (show preview)M team tract: View of contexts out of which lithics occur.
070.22Yes (show preview)Site M04, Ayios Konstadtinos: E, tile kiln
070.23Yes (show preview)Site M04, Ayios Konstadtinos: from S looking at tile kiln
070.24Yes (show preview)Site M04, Ayios Konstadtinos: threshing floor looking W down the valley
070.25Yes (show preview)Site M04, Ayios Konstadtinos: from top of threshing floor looking W
070.26Yes (show preview)M team, Charles Whatkinson (TM#36) "in action"
070.27Yes (show preview)M team tract: lime kiln
070.28Yes (show preview)Site M04, Ayios Konstadtinos: General view
070.29Yes (show preview)Site M04, Ayios Konstadtinos: Lime kiln.
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