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067.15Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: "Quarry" to N of site, from SSE
067.16Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Column bases in house yard, looking NW.
067.17Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Column bases in house yard, looking NW.
067.18Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Columns near N end of "goat compound"
067.19Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Columns near N end of "goat compound"
067.20Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Columns near N end of "goat compound"
067.21Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Dense tile concentation in NE wall or terrace in "goat compound"
067.22Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Dense tile concentation in NE wall or terrace in "goat compound"
067.23Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Joanne Murphy, TM#59, at work vacuuming in micro-tract
067.24Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Chunk of mortared tile, 75m N along SW wall.
067.25Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Wayne Lee, TM#57, and Maria Antoniou, TM#3, bagging in micro-tract.
067.26Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Dowel hole in column
067.27Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Cutting in column top.
067.28Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Side of column - tape measure on top.
067.29Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Hypocaust cutting.
067.30Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Hypocaust cutting (close-up)
067.31Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Wall to right of hypocaust
067.32Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Channel or drain in wall
067.33Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: second wall to right of hypocaust
067.34Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view to left of hypocaust cutting including wall
067.35Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view to right of cutting including wall
067.36Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: whole of hypocaust wall line.
068.00Yes (show preview)View S from Cape Svigkou towards Site G01, Dialiskari (50mm lens)
068.01Yes (show preview)View NW from Cape Svigkou to the Island of Proti (28mm lens)
068.02Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: TM#49 (Mike Galaty) and TM#94 (Aristea Poulaki) operating total station
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