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039.02Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from Forest Police road down (E) into Metaxada Valley bottom showing Site A03 (Kalopsana (3))
039.03Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from Forest Police road down (E) into Metaxada Valley bottom showing Site A03 (Kalopsana (3))
039.04Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from tarmac road (5th switch back above valley bottom) view across (W) to Kalopsana
039.05Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from tarmac road (5th switch back above valley bottom) view across (W) to Kalopsana (vertical shot)
039.06Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from tarmac road (5th switch back above valley bottom) view across (W) to Kalopsana (wide-angle)
039.07Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): from tarmac road (5th switch back above valley bottom) view across (W) to site
039.08Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from S outskirts of Metaxeda village across (W) to monastery of Ayios Georgios (telephoto)
039.09Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from S outskirts of Metaxeda village across (W) to monastery of Ayios Georgios (vertical shot)
039.10Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from S outskirts of Metaxeda village general view to NW showing monastery of Ayios Georgios and peak of Ayia Kyriaki
039.11Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from S outskirts of Metaxeda village general view to NW showing monastery of Ayios Georgios and peak of Ayia Kyriaki (vertical shot)
039.12Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from dirt road running along E side of Metaxada valley toward Metamorphosis - to W, general view of Kalopsana
039.13Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from dirt road running along E side of Metaxada valley toward Metamorphosis - W to Stylianos village
039.14Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from dirt road running along E side of Metaxada valley toward Metamorphosis - W to Stylianos village
039.15Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from dirt road running along E side of Metaxada valley toward Metamorphosis - W to Stylianos village
039.16Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: from dirt road running along E side of Metaxada valley toward Metamorphosis - W to Stylianos village
039.17Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): Metexada Valley: church of Ayios Konstantinos from SE (close-up)
039.18Yes (show preview)Site A01, Ayios Konstadtinos (1): tile graves - distant shot from S. Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): church visible
039.19Yes (show preview)Site A01, Ayios Konstadtinos (1): tile graves - distant shot from S. Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): church visible (vertical shot)
039.20Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: beehives in Metaxada Valley bottom near (immediately N) of main Metamorphosis-Hora road .
039.21Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: beehives in Metaxada Valley bottom near (immediately N) of main Metamorphosis-Hora road
039.22Yes (show preview)Metexada Valley: beehives in Metaxada Valley bottom near (immediately N) of main Metamorphosis-Hora road
039.23Yes (show preview)At Palace of Nestor 6/8/93 (MARWP Project): Various views of exposed altar. Also see film# 039.23 to 039.32
039.24Yes (show preview)At Palace of Nestor 6/8/93 (MARWP Project): Various views of exposed altar. Also see film# 039.23 to 039.32
039.25Yes (show preview)At Palace of Nestor 6/8/93 (MARWP Project): Various views of exposed altar. Also see film# 039.23 to 039.32
039.26Yes (show preview)At Palace of Nestor 6/8/93 (MARWP Project): Various views of exposed altar. Also see film# 039.23 to 039.32
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