PRAP Small Finds Database
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Most of the records in the PRAP Small Finds Database have not been edited since initial data entry in the field. They are provided as a courtesy to the archaeological community and should not be taken as definitive.
Standard Reference Gen. Material Sp. Material Gen. Form Sp. Form Technique.
SF1419ClayMedium ClayWeightLoomweight
Start Period End Period
LH (begins -1680)LH (ends -1060)
Collection Unit Site Association Collection Type
Fabric: terracotta
Shape: loomweight fragment?
Decoration: Coarse orange fabric with large tan inclusions (to ca. 3mm). 5YR 5/8.
Dimensions: pres L 5.9cm, W 4.3cm, max Th 2.3cm, est diam 7.5cm, est diam of hole 1.0 - 1.5cm, Wt 50gr.
Remarks: ca. 1/4 of loomweight, "Minoan discoid type." Broken horizontal perforation.
Selected Image:
This small find appears at Bottom Right. PRAP image number 257.30
All Images:
ID of ImageOnlinePosition in Photo
257.29noBottom Right
257.30yesBottom Right
257.31noBottom Right
257.32yesBottom Right
258.27noBottom Right
258.28yesBottom Right
258.29noBottom Right
258.30noBottom Right
All texts and images made available through The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: Internet Edition are for personal use only. Reproduction of these materials without prior permission is prohibited.
Questions about the PRAP online database can be addressed to John Wallrodt at