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106.17noFr. Profitis Ilias Horas to W (Hora/Ambelofyto/Pyrgaki) (on file in Madison)
106.18noFr. Profitis Ilias Horas to W (close-up of area around Hora, inc. Hora rema)
106.19noFr. Profitis Ilias Horas to S (Lykovouni, etc.) (on file in Madison)
106.20noFr. peak N of Profitis Ilias Horas to N (Aigaleo ridge) (on file in Madison)
106.21noFr. peak N of Profitis Ilias Horas to NE (Aigaleo ridge/Metaxada valley) (on file in Madison)
106.22noFr. peak N of Profitis Ilias Horas to S (Profitis Ilias Horas / Lykovouni / Maglavas / Lykodimos) (on file in Madison)
106.23noFr. peak N of Profitis Ilias Horas to W (Hora/Ambelofyto) (on file in Madison)
106.24noFr. peak N of Profitis Ilias Horas to SW (Navarino Bay/Englianos ridge) (on file in Madison)
106.25noFr. peak N of Profitis Ilias Horas to E (over into Metaxada valley) (on file in Madison)
106.26noChamber tombs nr Palace of N: detail of dromos visible in slope
106.27noChamber tombs nr Palace of N: detail of ?back of chamber visible in terrace cutting
106.28noChamber tombs nr Palace of N: JLD (TM#10) looking at possible dromos in terrace cutting
106.29noChamber tombs nr Palace of N: detail of rock ?cuttings in terrace cutting (on file in Madison)
106.30noChamber tombs nr Palace of N: detail of ?back of chamber & dromos at higher level in terrace cutting
106.31noChamber tombs nr Palace of N: detail of ?back of chamber tomb & ?dromos at higher level (close-up)
106.32noProbable chamber tomb at Hora: Triandafyllies: JLD (TM#10) indicating poss. tomb
106.33noProbable chamber tomb at Hora: Triandafyllies: JLD's foot (TM#10) indicating 2nd poss. tomb
106.34noIan Bennet, Angeliki & Tasia at Angeliki's house (on file in Madison)
106.35noTasia, JLD (TM#10) & Ian Bennet on Angeliki's balcony (on file in Madison)
106.36noAngeliki's domed oven in backyard (close) (on file in Madison)
106.37noAngeliki's domed oven in backyard (on file in Madison)
016.14yesB Team: Mapping: "We are here."
016.15yesB Team Flagging
016.16yesB Team loading sherds in Van
016.17yesPottery Room at the Hora Schoolhouse
016.18yesTeam B: "Biccie Break"
016.19yesThe Girl's Dorm at the Hora Schoolhouse
016.20yesMartha Jenks (TM#17) and snake skin
016.21yesTeam B: Surveying olive grove in the morning
016.22yesTeam B walking tall terraces
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Questions about the PRAP online database can be addressed to John Wallrodt at