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158.23yesNeokastro: Marble plaque set into north side of fountain house. Close-up.
158.24yesNeokastro: Marble plaque set into south side of fountain house.
158.25yesNeokastro: Marble plaque set into south side of fountain house. Close-up.
158.26yesNeokastro: West face of fountain house.
158.27yesNeokastro: Marble plaque set into south side of fountain house.
158.28yesNeokastro: Fountain house. General view.
158.29yesNeokastro: View toward Maison barracks and Makryyiannis Bastion from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
158.31yesNeokastro: Round tower north of Main Gate. Viewed from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
158.32yesNeokastro: Outer face of northeasternmost Bastion of Ihisar.
158.33yesNeokastro: View of lower fortress towards Sphakteria from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
158.34yesNeokastro: View of lower fortress towards Old Navarino from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
158.35yesNeokastro: View towards Maison barracks and Makryyiannis Bastion from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
158.36yesNeokastro: Approach to Main Gate from inside the lower fortress.
158.37yesNeokastro: Fountains in lower fortress from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.01yesNeokastro: Fountain from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.02yesNeokastro: Principal church / mosque of Neokastro from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.03yesNeokastro: Principal church / mosque of Neokastro from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.04yesNeokastro: Principal church / mosque of Neokastro from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.05yesNeokastro: Principal church / mosque of Neokastro from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.06yesNeokastro: Southeastern Bastion of Içhisar from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.07yesNeokastro: View towards Evdomos Bastion from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.08yesNeokastro: View towards Evdomos Bastion from on top of the wall of the Içhisar.
159.09yesNeokastro: Cistern near fountain.
159.10yesNeokastro: Spouts and basins of cistern near fountain.
159.11yesNeokastro: Collapsed roof of cistern near fountains.
159.12yesNeokastro: Içhisar from southwest on road to Hamam and Evdomos Bastion.
159.13yesNeokastro: Principal church / mosque of Neokastro from southewest on way to Evdomos Bastion.
159.14yesNeokastro: Entrance to Evdomos Bastion.
159.15yesNeokastro: Looking toward Içhisar from near Evdomos Bastion.
159.16yesNeokastro: Principal church / mosque of Neokastro from near Evdomos Bastion.
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