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143.06yesNavarin et l'entree de sa baie. Pl. IX, from M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, Expedition scientifique de Moree: section des science physiques. Atlas. Paris: F.G. Levrault, 1834-1836.
143.07yesLe vieux Navarin ou Pylos de Nestor. Pl. X, from M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, Expedition scientifique de Moree: section des science physiques. Atlas. Paris: F.G. Levrault, 1834-1836.
143.08yesPorte venetienne de Koron. Pl. XIX, fig. 2, from M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, Expedition scientifique de Moree: section des science physiques. Atlas. Paris: F.G. Levrault, 1834-1836.
143.09yesSapience et le port de Modon. Pl. VII, from M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, Expedition scientifique de Moree: section des science physiques. Atlas. Paris: F.G. Levrault, 1834-1836.
143.10yesLa place de armes de Modon. Pl. XIX, fig. 1, from M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, Expedition scientifique de Moree: section des science physiques. Atlas. Paris: F.G. Levrault, 1834-1836.
145.01noChurch basilica of Ayios Yioryios in Vlahopoulo, with surrounding cemetery.
145.02noEast end of church of Ayios Yioryious in Vlahopoulo; closeup.
145.03noSpolia in apse of central nave of church of Ayios Yioryious in Vlahopoulo.
145.04noSpolia incorporated in church of Ayios Yioryious in Vlahopoulo.
145.05noInterior of church of Ayios Yioryious in Vlahopoulo.
145.06noMain gate to monastery of Ayios Dimitrios in Hora; closeup.
145.07noMain gate to monastery of Ayios Dimitrios in Hora; distant.
146.01noMonument to those slaughtered by communists at Lezaki, Koryfasion, in 1944. Gargaliani cemetery.
146.02noMonument to those slaughtered by communists at Lezaki, Koryfasion, in 1944. Gargaliani cemetery. Closeup.
146.03noMonument to those slaughtered by communists at Verga, Pylia, in 1944. Gargaliani cemetery.
146.04noMain gate of Gargaliani cemetery. Memorials to Civil War dead, right and left.
146.05noIconostasis in Gargaliani, on road to Hora, near cemetery. Icon of Ayios Yioryios.
146.06noTomb of Professor F.K. Litsas. Hora Cemetery. Closeup.
146.07noTomb of Professor F.K. Litsas. Hora Cemetery.
147.01yesGorge leading to Plateia at Pylos. Closeup. Aigaleon range in background.
147.02yesGorge leading to Plateia at Pylos. Distant.
147.03yesPanorama of Neokastro and Sphakteria from above football field, southeast of Pylos. Further south than 147.04.
147.04yesPanorama of Neokastro and Sphakteria from above football field, southeast of Pylos. Further north than 147.03 and overlapping with it.
147.05yesPanorama of Neokastro and Sphakteria on slopes southeast of Pylos, higher than 147.03 and 147.04. This series (147.05 to 147.07) shot from south to north.
147.06yesPanorama of Neokastro and Sphakteria on slopes southeast of Pylos, higher than 147.03 and 147.04. This series (147.05 to 147.07) shot from south to north.
147.07yesPanorama of Neokastro and Sphakteria on slopes southeast of Pylos, higher than 147.03 and 147.04. This series (147.05 to 147.07) shot from south to north.
147.08yesZoom of area of aqueduct at Kamaritsa, along road from Neokastro to Methoni.
147.09yesPrincipal gate into fort at Neokastro.
147.10yesPrincipal gate into fort at Neokastro. Closeup of wooden doors.
147.11yesShari Stocker (TM#33) at edge of dry moat outside walls, east of Içhisar.
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