PRAP Image Database
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Found 8209 results.

ImageOnlineUnedited/Preliminary Caption
118.34yesNiche carved into vertical cut rock face
118.35yesNiche carved into vertical cut rock face / close-up.
118.36yesJLD and SEA.
099.01yesView of Mavrozoumenos bridge.
099.02yesView of Mavrozoumenos bridge.
099.03yesView of Mavrozoumenos bridge.
099.04yesView of Mavrozoumenos bridge.
099.05yesView of Mavrozoumenos bridge.
099.06yesSite M05: view of rock-cut chapel
099.07yesSite M05: general view of rock-cut chapel and rock shelters to N with walls of goat pens
099.08yesview of gray marble altar (from N).
099.09yesview of gray marble altar (from W).
099.10yesview of gray marble altar (lowdown, from W).
099.11yesview of gray marble altar (lowdown, from SW).
099.12yesMH handle
099.13yesMatt painted handle and brown painted body frag.
099.14yesTurkish glaze decorated handle, sgraffito
099.15yesTurkish red slip/plack painted base and rim
099.16yesEMod glazed ware frags
099.17yesflat base, coarse jugs (one with slip out)
099.18noflat cookware base.
099.19yesObjects from M05 investigation
099.20yesniche carved in vertical cut bedrock face.
099.21yesniche carved in vertical cut bedrock face, close-up.
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