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207.09yesSite B05, Palace of Nestor Chamber Tombs: hopper mill, top
207.10noSite B05, Palace of Nestor Chamber Tombs: hopper mill, top
207.12noSite B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: various handles
207.13yesSite B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: various bases
207.14noSite B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: various bases
207.15noSite B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: 2 course handles
207.16yesSite B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: 2 coarse handles
207.17noFilm ID
001.26yesSite C04, Hasanaga: apse of the apsidal structure
001.28yesSite C03, Voroulia: stones and red base in field
003.00noFilm ID
101.01noAigaleo fr. Lykovouni (on file in Madison)
101.02noMetamorfosi fr. Lykovouni (on file in Madison)
101.03noMetaxada, terracing above (E of) village (on file in Madison)
101.04noAigaleo summit, fr. above (E of) Metaxada (on file in Madison)
101.05noMetaxada, from above (to E) (on file in Madison)
101.06noMetaxada & valley fr. above (to E) (on file in Madison)
101.07noJLD (TM#10) by Osmanaga Tholos (on file in Madison)
101.08noAlong Osmanaga Lagoon fault line; Cave of Nestor; fr. N (on file in Madison)
101.09noAlong Osmanaga Lagoon fault line; Cave of Nestor; fr. N; Pylos in distance (on file in Madison)
101.10noOrientation day at school house: team B featured (on file in Madison)
101.11noOrientation day: measuring paces in school yard (on file in Madison)
101.12noOrientation day: measuring paces in school yard. Broodbank (TM#6), Hirschfeld (TM#13) (on file in Madison)
101.13noOrientation day: measuring paces in school yard: Clark (TM#7), Jenks (TM#17), Broodbank (TM#6), Perlman (TM#27), Wetzels (TM#37), Wagenaar (TM#35), Seidenberg (TM#30), Watkinson (TM#36), Talalay (TM#34), Hirschfeld (TM#13) (on file in Madison)
101.14noOrientation day: measuring paces in school yard: Clark (TM#7), Jenks (TM#17), Perlman (TM#27), Wetzels (TM#37), Wagenaar (TM#35) (on file in Madison)
101.15noOrientation day: measuring paces in school yard: Clark (TM#7), Jenks (TM#17), Perlman (TM#27), Wetzels (TM#37), Wagenaar (TM#35), Michelaki (TM#23), Talalay (TM#34) (on file in Madison)
101.16yesOrientation day: measuring paces in school yard: Broodbank (TM#6), etc.
101.17yesOrientation day: measuring paces in school yard: Clark (TM#7), Jenks (TM#17), Perlman (TM#27), Wetzels (TM#37), Wagenaar (TM#35), Watkinson (TM#36), Hirschfeld (TM#13), Seidenberg (TM#30), Talalay (TM#34)
101.18yesNr. Koukounara village: manure bags under olive trees
101.19yesTragana Tholos #1, CKK (TM#19) as scale
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