
On 1 December 2016 the following lectures were delivered to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb; further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

A. Gyucha, "From the Aegean to the Carpathian Basin: Patterns of Sedentism in the Neolithic"

D. Riebe, "From the Aegean to the Carpathian Basin: The Exploitation and Exchange of Obsidian in Prehistory"

Mortuary Variability and Social Diversity in Ancient Greece

On 1-2 December 2016 an international workshop for early career scholars entitled Mortuary Variability and Social Diversity in Ancient Greece was held at the Netherlands Institute at Athens. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:

E. Panagiotopoulou, "Protogeometric Thessaly: an integrated study of burial practices and isotope analysis of human remains"

A. Alexandridou, "'Equal in death': the social implications of funerary inclusivity in Late Geometric Attica and beyond"

PeClA 2016

On 1-2 December 2016 the 5th International Postgraduate Conference Perspectives on Classical Archaeology 2016: New Directions in Classical Archaeology (PeClA 2016) was held at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:

U. Berndt, "Navigating the Gap Between Modern Theory and Ancient Sources: Two Examples from Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Sanctuaries in Greece"

M. Smíšek, "The Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on the Civilizations of the Mediterranean during the Bronze Age"

F. Franković, "Boys and Girls for the Minotaur – Leaping over Gender in the Late Bronze Age Aegean"

Margo Tytus Scholarships

On 1 February 2017 applications are due for both the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program and the Cincinnati Summer Residency Program for 2017-2018. Applicants for the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program will ordinarily be senior scholars who are a minimum of five years beyond receipt of the PhD, with notable publication histories, who are expected to be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for a minimum of one semester (ca. four months) and a maximum of two during the regular academic year. Tytus Scholars receive a monthly stipend of $1,500 plus housing near campus and a transportation allowance, as well as office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library.

Applicants for the Cincinnati Summer Residency program may be more recent PhDs and other scholars who would benefit from the use of a world-class classics library with their Ph.D. in hand by the time of application, and will ordinarily be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for approximately two months in the summer terms, May to mid-August. Cincinnati Summer Residents receive housing near campus and office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library only. Further information and application forms are available at 

EAA AM 2017

On 30 November 2016 proposals for sessions are due for the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA AM 2017), to be held in Maastricht (Kingdom of the Netherlands) from 30 August–2 September 2017. On 31 January–15 March 2017 paper and poster abstract submission will be open; on 30 April 2017 registration and payment is due from submitting authors. Further information and forms are available at or The meeting will consist of sessions, round tables, and poster presentations focusing on the following main themes:

Twenty-five Years after Maastricht: Archaeology and Europe's future

The Valletta Convention: the next 25 years

Trans- and Metadisciplinary Approaches in Archaeology

The 'Third Science Revolution' in Archaeology

Comparing Archaeology Across Regions and Periods

Interpreting the Archeological Record

Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology

On 15 January 2017 titles and abstracts (300 words maximum) for papers (20 minutes) or posters are due for a conference entitled Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology: Under the Mediterranean, to be held on 20-24 October 2017 in Nicosia, organized by The Honor Frost Foundation in commemoration of the anniversary of the centenary of Honor Frost's birth on the island of Cyprus (28 October 1917). English will be the official language of the conference; grants are available for early career researchers that are from or who work in the eastern Mediterranean (Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Israel, Egypt) and whose paper or poster proposals are accepted by the conference Steering Committee.  Further information is available at Session themes, to which presentations should be related, will be:

In the Footsteps of Honor Frost (by invitation only)

Connected by the Sea

Seafaring, Navigation and Maritime Space

Ports, Harbours and Anchorages in the Ancient Mediterranean: New Discoveries and New Approaches

Maritime Cultural Landscape

Maritime Transport Containers


Ship Construction in the Ancient Mediterranean: Methods, Driving Factors, and Cross-Cultural Exchange

New Technologies and Maritime Archaeology

Conservation and Archaeological Science

Maritime Archaeological Management

Maritime Cyprus


On 31 January 2017 abstracts are due for the 14th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC2017), to be held on 6-9 September 2017 in Bordeaux. Further information is available at The symposium themes will be:

Environmental and raw material studies (clay, temper, fuel...)

Gestures and techniques (chaîne-opératoire, production processes, object biography...)

Ceramic function and use (organic residues, use-wear analysis...)

Provenance and networks

Technical ceramics (metallurgy, glass making...)

Slips and glazes

New methodologies and data analysis (3D, portable and non-invasive techniques, statistics...)


CIPA 2017

On 1 February 2017 abstracts are due for the 26th International Symposium of the International Committee for Architectural Photogrammetry (CIPA 2017). Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation, to be held on 28 August–1 September 2017 in Ottowa; on 30 April camera-ready papers (8 pages) are due. Further information is available at The main symposium themes will be:

Identifying heritage places for posterity and preparedness

Digitizing heritage places

Assisted fabrication of artifacts for posterity and conservation

Managing, valorizing and disseminating heritage information

Monitoring, simulation and resilience

Rehabilitating heritage places

Special Sessions


On 31 March 2017 session proposals are due for the XVIII Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Science 2018: adaptation et durabilite des societes prehistoriques et protohistoriques face aux variations climatiques, to be held on 3-9 September 2018 in Paris; on 1 May-30 November 2017 proposals for communications will be open. Further information, including a list of sub-themes, is available at

Aegean Seminar in Zagreb

On 2 November 2017 J. Hruby will deliver a lecture to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb entitled " Poseidon's Impact on the Mycenaean Palace of Nestor." Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

150 χρόνια μελέτης του ηφαιστείου της Σαντορίνης

On 3-5 November 2016 an international conference entitled 150 χρόνια μελέτης του ηφαιστείου της Σαντορίνης. Probing the Santorini volcano for 150 years will be held on Santorini. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

N. Karadimas, "'I saw curious things ... marble figurines, which announce the infancy of art': the story of prehistoric archaeology of the Cyclades before the first excavations on Therasia and Thera in 1866-1867"

T. H. Druitt, C. Athanassis, A. Cadoux, F. Costa, E. Deloule, T. Flaherty, M. Mercier, P. Nomikou, and B. Scaillet, "New insights into the Late-Bronze-Age eruption of Santorini"

A. Cadoux, S. Bekki, B. Scaillet, C. Oppenheimer, and T. H. Druitt, "Atmospheric impact of the Bronze-Age 'Minoan' eruption of Santorini Volcano"