

On 30 May 2018 abstracts (300 words maximum) are due for an international workshop entitled OIKOS: Archaeological approaches to House Societies in the ancient Aegean, to be held on 6-7 December 2018 at the UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, organized by AEGIS. Abstracts may be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at Contributions are sought that discuss, embellish, and debate the usefulness of the House Society model in the context of the ancient Aegean in any of the following fields of investigation (although by no means limited to these areas)
• House membership. Approaches that consider the constitution of Houses from a number of perspectives including: kinship, funerary behavior, bioarchaeology, architecture/spatial patterning, gender dynamics, marriage patterns, population mobility.
• The role of Houses in political and economic organization. How might collective action, alliance, co-operation, and integration affect the organization of production, the allocation of resources; trade and exchange patterns; and administration?
• Material culture is a key component in the definition of Houses as social entities. Can the study of ancient technology and craft production be approached from a House Society perspective?
• Ritual and symbolic expressions of House identity; aspects of ancestor veneration, heirlooms; religion, cult.
• Diachronic perspectives: continuity and disruption in activities associated with Houses; conflict and violence; the configuration and transformation of territories; the shaping of physical and social landscapes.
• The value of ethnography and analogy, critical approaches to ethnoarchaeology.

SAA 2018

On 11-15 April 2018 the Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting (SAA 2018) will be held in Washington, D.C. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
P. Schauer, K. Edinborough, S. Shennan, A. Bevan, and M. Parker Pearson, “Explaining Variation in the Scale of Neolithic Quarry and Mine Production”
L. Ferland, “Substances in Transition: Tell Construction in Chalcolithic Bulgaria”
D. Kaya, “Burning the House: The Importance of Excavation Methods in the Study of Space and Place in the Neolithic Household. A Case Study from Neolithic Bulgaria (6500–600 BC)”
M. Horowitz, “Performative Aspects of Early Monumental Architecture at Late Bronze I Phlamoudhi-Vounari, Cyprus”
A. Simmons, “Aquatic Neanderthals and Paleolithic Seafaring: Myth or Reality? Examples from the Mediterranean”
R. Bartusewich, “Pottery Production at Idalion, Cyprus: Investigating First Millennium BCE Politics and Culture through Ceramic Petrography”
Z. Chovanec, “The Organic Residue Analysis from the Early Bronze Age Site of Sotira Kaminoudhia in Cyprus”
Y. Marks and R. Doonan, “Copper Smelting in the Early Bronze Age Aegean”
H. Greenfield, J. Lev-Tov, A. Killebrew, and A. Brown, “Sacrificing and Eating Dogs in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean World”
A. Cercone and Z. Bilgen, “Double Handled Vessels at Seyitömer Höyük in Kütahya, Turkey: The Manufacture, Use, and Trade of Depas Cups”
R. Kulick, “An Urban Micromorphological Perspective on Neopalatial Environmental Changes at Bronze Age Palaikastro, Crete”
L. Swantek, “Reconfiguring Social Networks: The Emergence of Social Complexity before and after Urbanism on Cyprus”
E. Monahan, “Enclosure and Surveillance: The Development of a Disciplinary Landscape in Bronze Age Cyprus”
E. Anderson, “Like a Lion, as a Man: Seals and Poetry in Minoan Crete”
D. Sparks-Stokes, S. Allen, and A. P. Sullivan III, “Deposition, Disturbance, and Dumping: The Application of Archaeobotanical Measures to Taphonomic Questions”
A. Karapandzich and P. N. Kardulias, “Zero to Hero: Elite Burials and Hero Cults in Early Iron Age Greece and Cyprus”
N. Russell, “Guardians in Life and Death: Dogs at Neolithic Çatalhöyük and Beyond”
L. Mazow, H. Luchsinger, and K. Rozier, “Adapting to Changing Resources: A Petrographic Analysis of Iron I Pottery from Tel Miqne-Ekron”
P. N. Kardulias, J. Torpy, D. Kardulias, and A. Karapandzich, “Multi-faceted Anthropology: Recent Work of the Athienou Archaeological Project in Central Cyprus”
P. Karkanas, S. Stocker, and J. Davis, “Microstratigraphic and Geochemical Contributions to the Study of the Burial Practices and Taphonomy of the Mycenaean Shaft Grave of the ‘Griffin Warrior’, Pylos, Greece”
J. Hruby, “Building a Statistical Model to Evaluate the Sexes of Ancient Greek Fingerprints”
S. Vitale, C. McNamee, T. Marketou, D. Nenova, and J. E. Morrison, “Changing Landscapes: Settlement Strategies, Cultural Dynamics, and Material Evidence on Kos, Dodecanese, during the Final Neolithic and the Bronze Age”
S. Allen, C. Shelton, and C. McNamee, “Preservation and Perception: Archaeobotanical Patterning and Site Formation Processes in Mycenaean Messenia”
M. Ntinou and S.-M. Valamoti, “Trees and Tree Cultivation in the Prehistoric Aegean: A Synthesis of Archaeobotanical Data”
C. McNamee, S. Laparidou, G. Tsartsidou, M. Bofill, and S.-M. Valamoti, “Experimental Archaeology as a Tool for Understanding Microbotanical Taphonomy”
D. Ruscillo, “Hunting the Helmet: Social and Practical Aspects of Building a Boar’s Tusk Helmet”
S. Murphy, P. Bikoulis, and S. Stewart, “Landscapes of Acquisition and Mobility: Sourcing Raw Lithic Materials and Their Distribution in Central Cyprus”

On 19-23 April 2018 the 46th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2018): Human History and Digital Future will be held in Tübingen, Germany. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
K. Paxton-Fear, “A Computational Decipherment of Linear B”
A. Tzouganatou, S. McKinney, and S. Perry, “Chatbots for museums and heritage sites: all hype or promising strategy? A case study in building ChatÇat, a ‘bot of conviction’ for Çatalhöyük”
P. Cuthbertson and P. Tsakanikou, “Challenges in Palaeolithic Spatial Analysis: Two Eurasian Case Studies”
D. Nenova, “Space, typology and mobility: using multivariate clustering technique to explore spatial patterning in prehistoric Thrace”
N. Kecheva, T. Branzov, and L. Nedyalkov, “No more endless nights filling in attributes - a web and a mobile app for GIS-based field surveys in Bulgaria”
M. Polig, S. Hermon, S. Jusseret, J. Driessen, G. Sorrentino, A. Kanta, and J. Bretschneider, “Virtual Experimentation - Reasoning on the original appearance and use of a bronze implement from Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) with high-resolution 3D models”
V. Tsoumari, “The trade routes of the Mycenaean Messenia”

Regional Approaches to Early Greek Society

On 30 April 2018 abstracts (400 words maximum) are due for an international workshop for doctoral candidates entitled Regional Approaches to Early Greek Society, 1100-550 BCE, to be held on 14-16 December 2018 at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Further information is available at


On 20 May 2018 registration forms and abstracts (300 words) are due for an international postgraduate conference in the Prehistory and Protohistory of Mediterranean Islands entitled Islands in Dialogue (ISLANDIA), to be held on 14-16 November 2018 at the Università degli Studi di Torino. Further information is available at

EuroSciCon Archaeology & Anthropology 2018

On 31 March 2018 abstracts (300 words maximum) and professional biographies (100-150 words) are due for the 1st Edition of International Conference on Archeology and Anthropology: Reconstructing the evidence to explore People and Society! (EuroSciCon Archaeology & Anthropology 2018), to be held on 1-2 October 2018 in London. Further information is available at