Electronic News and Notices

Students,  researchers,  and  professors  with  an  interest  in  the  history  and  archaeology  of the  Eastern  Mediterranean  are  invited  to  visit  the  website  of  the New  Archaeological Research  Network  for  Integrating  Approaches to  ancient  material  studies  (NARNIA)  at http://narnia-itn.eu/ for  information  about  the  range  of  fellowships  and  training courses  that  have  been  announced,  or  will  be  announced  soon,  on  the  constantly  updated project's website.

NARNIA  is  a  cross‐disciplinary  network  integrating  approaches  from  a  diverse  array  of research fields for the study of ancient materials from the Eastern Mediterranean. While the prime  objective  of  the  project  is  to  train  early  stage  researchers  that are just about to embark  on  PhD  research,  the  training  courses  and  two conferences that will be organized in the four-year duration of the project are open to all interested individuals.