Calls for Papers


On 15 October 2024 abstracts are due for the Theoretical Archaeology Group 45th Annual Meeting: Evolution? (TAG45), to be held on 13-15 December 2024 in Bournemouth, Britain. Further information is available at The sessions will be:

• Materiality, metaphor, phenomenology: reconstructing Chris Tilley’s thought and contemporary archaeological theory
• “Does Anybody Ever Listen!?” – Outrage as Method, Evolving Activist Archaeology
• Towards an Archaeology of Cosiness: exploring the lines between comfort, utility, and beyond
• Discomfort in Archaeological Practices: Ethical, social and personal challenges
• Tales as Old as Time: Archaeological Storytelling for Research Dissemination
• Archaeology of Awe: Being moved by being in the world
• Re-Peopling Submerged Prehistory: The Human Dimension in Palaeolandscape Evolution
• (Re) conceptualising the Past? Evolution of the imagined/invented/(re)created Past
• Archaeology & the Media in the Twenty-First Century
• Evolution In Rock Art Theory: Recent Advances in Understanding Images
• Sites, monuments and their landscapes: new perspectives and new narratives
• Skyscapes in Prehistory: evolution, convolution or involution?
• (R)Evolutions: theoretical approaches to death and dying in the prehistoric and protohistoric Mediterranean (7000-700 BCE)
• Evolution
• Thinking Through Plants/Thinking With Plants: Archaeologies of Vegetal Becoming
• (I)Legible Landscapes?
• Excavating the Collection: New ‘evolutions’ in the Archaeology of Museum Collections
• We’ve talked the talk, can we walk the walk? Approaches and actions to encouraging diverse language representation in archaeology/academia
• Moving away from forwards: Reassessing the metaphorical structuring of evolutionism in Archaeological thought
• Mortuary Memes: Advances in the Digital Public Archaeology of Death
• Ancestor? We hardly know her! Rethinking ancestors in archaeology
• Evolving Practice? Knowledge Production and Intercultural Collaboration in Archaeology
• Narrating the Past: Exploring Archaeological Storying and Creativity
• Living (and Working) in Times of Unprecedented Change: A Speculative Design Workshop for Archaeology in the 21st Century
• Heritage Therapy in Theory and Practice: Using Archaeology for Recovery
• Exploring Human-Animal Entanglements in Archaeology: A More-Than-Human Approach
• Experimental archaeology: a useful methodology for researching the evolution of cognitive and behavioural complexity?
• General Session
• Poster Session


EAA AM 2025

On 31 October 2024 proposals for sessions are due for the 31st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA AM 2025), to be held on 3-6 September 2025 in Belgrade, Serbia. From 20 December 2024 until 6 February 2025 paper and poster abstract submission will be open; on 5 May 2025 registration and payment is due from first authors of paper. Further information and forms are available at The meeting will consist of sessions, round tables, and poster presentations focusing on the following main themes:
• On artefacts and beyond
• Intertwined Epistemologies: Transcending the Data – Theory Divide
• Exploring methods in research, education and communication
• De nobis fabula narratur: archaeological practice and a profession in flux
• Finding the way! Archaeological sciences and opening new research perspectives
• Intertwining archaeology, heritage, and museums
• Climate Change in the Past and Present
• Along and across the Danube!


MAGS 2025

On 1 November 2024 abstracts (250 words) are due for the 6th Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium (MAGS 2025), to be held at the University of Ioannina, Greece on 2-5 April 2025. Further information is available at Papers will be particularly welcomed on the development, breakthroughs of research, and recent discoveries in the maritime archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean region via interdisciplinary methods, in addition to the following themes:
• Nautical and Harbour Archaeology
• Maritime Networks and Social Interactions
• Maritime Cultural Landscapes and Seafaring Communities
• Geoarchaeology and Palaeoenvironments
• Sustainability and Historic Ships
• Ship Science and Engineering of Ancient Boats/Harbours
• Maritime History, Ethnography and Art



On 30 November 2024 abstracts (500 words, 10 references, 3 figures) are due for oral and poster presentations at the Conference of Environmental Archaeology (CEA), to be held in Nitra, Slovakia on 5-7 February 2025. Further information is available at Papers are invited that address questions the following key areas:
• Agricultural practices - crop cultivation, fieldscapes and water management as seen from botanical, isotopic or soil data perspectives
• Animal husbandry and hunting - feeding, breeding of domesticates and hunting of wild game and their role in subsistence economies
• Exploitation of raw materials - technologies, mining, quarrying techniques and environmental impact (pollution)
• Environmental impact and sustainability - deforestation, land use, hydraulic engineering
• Trade and exchange networks - resource distribution of artefacts and isotopic analyses of pottery, metals and food remains and food residues


New Materialism

On 1 December 2024 abstracts (200 words) are due for lectures or posters at a conference entitled Die Dinge einmal anders betrachten – Neuer Materialismus in der Archäologie, to be held by the AG Theorien in der Archäologie (TidA) in Mainz, Germany on 20-21 March 2025. Further information is available at Contributions related to the New Materialism are invited, especially but not limited to topics that concentrate on post-humanist narratives, assemblages, archaeological categories, entangled bodies, architecture, art or influences of New Materialism on archaeological records, excavations, contexts and features.