Future Lectures and Conferences

FRWG 2024

On 12-17 August 2024 the 22nd ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG 2024) will be held in Toronto, Canada. Further information is available at https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/anthropology/research/ontario-archaeology-utm/icaz-frwg-2024-toronto. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
T. Theodoropoulou, “Going for small catches in the Mediterranean Early Neolithic? The case of Sidari-Corfu (Greece) and the wider Mesolithic–Early Neolithic fishing strategies of the last hunter-gatherers and early farmerherders in the Mediterranean”


INSCRIBE at the Roots of Writing

On 11-13 September 2024 the final conference of the ERC-funded INSCRIBE Invention of Scripts and their Beginnings project, entitled INSCRIBE at the Roots of Writing, will be held in hybrid format in Bologna. Further information and registration forms for both in-person and online participation are available at https://site.unibo.it/inscribe/en/inscribe-at-the-roots-of-writing. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
B. Montecchi, “The Origins of Writing in Bronze Age Crete and the Conundrum of Documents in Perishable Materials”
J. Bennet, “‘A Frivolous Digression’ – Did the Decipherment of Linear B Transform the Aegean Late Bronze Age?
M. Corazza, “Investigating the Signs of Cypro-Minoan with Deep Learning”



On 19-22 September 2024 a Visual Interactions in Early Writing Systems (VIEWS) conference entitled Writing as Visual Experience (WAVE) will be held in Cambridge. Further information is available from https://viewsproject.wordpress.com/writing-as-visual-experience/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
S. Ferrara, “How writing anchors images: cultural exaptation and evolution”
S. Finlayson, “Some thoughts on directionality in Aegean Bronze Age writing”


PeBA 2024

On 25-28 September 2024 the 4th Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology Conference: The Things of Life (PeBA 2024) will be held in Varna, Bulgaria. Further information is available at https://pebasite.wordpress.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
R. Kurti, “Some Consideration on the Early Iron Objects from Iron Age Albania”
T. Valchev, “Late Bronze Age Daggers from the Lower and Middle Course of the Tundzha River, Bulgaria – Imports and Local Imitation”
M. Šmolková, “Socioeconomy of Early Iron Age Hilltop Sites in the Context of Ohrid Lake Area (Dolno Lakocherej – a case study)”
J. Fries-Knoblach and M. Leppek, “Late Bronze Age Bresto (South-Western Bulgaria) - multiple resources, multi-purpose settlement?”
B. Athanassov, I. Kulov, and P. W. Stockhammer, “Pots and Pits: Ritual Practices at Iron Age Bresto?”
K. Çipa and S. Xhaferaj, “Economic Resources and Religious Aspects during the Bronze and Iron Age in Southwestern Albania”
M. Gori, “Mobility between tangible and intangible resources. What makes the world go round?”
T. Krapf, “The Things of Life: The Diffusion of Cooking Pots in the Late Bronze Age Southern Balkans”
M. Gleba, H. Potrebica, and A. Pravidur, “Textile Cultures of Iron Age Southeastern Europe”


The Connected Past: Religious Networks in Antiquity

On 3-6 October 2024 the conference The Connected Past: Religious Networks in Antiquity will be held in Vancouver, BC. Further information is available at https://phh-connected-past-2024.sites.olt.ubc.ca/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
C. Barnes and G. Braun, “Labour Input and Knowledge Networks in the Construction of Ashlar Buildings on Cyprus”
E. A. Keyser, “The Role of Rhyta in Mycenaean Networks of Ritual Practice and Power”
K. Mallinson and M. Harder, “Computational Approaches to Minoan Peak Sanctuaries Outside of Crete”