Future Lectures and Conferences


On 3-6 June 2024 the 22nd Annual International Conference on History and Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern (ATINER 2024) will be held by the History Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research in Athens. Further information is available at https://www.atiner.gr/history. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
K. Glowacki, “Advances in the Household Archaeology of Ancient Crete: The Minoan Prepalatial Period”
E. Zeqo, “The Place Name Da-mi-ni-jo/ja in the Linear B Script and Albania’s City of Durrës (Epidamnos, Dyrrachion, Dyrrachium, Durazzo): Towards Epidamnos’ Chronology from Minos to Pericles”


Regional Mobilities and the Making of the Ancient Greek World

On 6-8 June 2024 a conference entitled Regional Mobilities and the Making of the Ancient Greek World will be held at the University
of Vienna. Further information is available at https://www.migmag-erc.eu/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
N. Mac Sweeney, “Migration and the Making of the Ancient Greek World: the work of the MIGMAG project”
J. Mokrišová, “MIGMAG case study – Ionia”
E. Koparal, “MIGMAG partner project – the Klazomenai Survey Project”
A. Slawisch and T. Wilkinson, “Mobility as mode of thinking: Perspectives from Project Panormos”
B. Hürmüzlü and S. Togan, “Indigenous culture, mobility, and cultural interaction in Pisidia”
C. Bachhuber, M. Massa, and J. Osborne, “The Konya Plain
N. Mac Sweeney and T. Maltas, “MIGMAG case study – Rough Cilicia”
N. Mac Sweeney, T. E. Şerifoğlu, and A. Collar, “MIGMAG partner project – the Lower Göksu Archaeological Salvage Survey Project”
M. Novák, “Mopsos, Hiyawa and the alleged Greek immigration in Cilicia. Settlement continuity vs. modern myths”
M. Iacovou, “Cyprus before and after the 12th century BC: a macrohistoric landscape approach”
J. Osborne, “Reconsidering mobility in the Syro-Anatolian region, 1200-600 BCE
E. Kopanaki, “MIGMAG case study – East Lokris
K. Sporn and P. Kounouklas, “The Kephissos-valley project. Human-Nature Interaction in Central Greece”
S. Fachard, “Eretria”
S. Gimatzidis, “Greek migration between colonial seascapes and indigenous landscapes in the northern Aegean
M. Rönnberg, “Attica”
S. Murray, “Settlement, economy, and mobility in Postpalatial Greece: a view from Porto Rafti in Attica”
B. Eder, “A region in the making: Elis between 1200 and 700 BC”
N. Mac Sweeney, “Introduction (to Workshop on Myths of Migration) and the MIGMAG approach”
C. Hansen, “The results of the MIGMAG analysis
M. Pyzyk, “A new digital tool for visualising mythic migrations”


LAC 2024

On 10-14 June 2024 the 8th Landscape Archaeology Conference: Human Challenges in a Context of Changing Landscapes (LAC 2024) will be held in Alcal. de Henares, Madrid, Spain. Further information is available at https://lac2024.com/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
B. Keramida, “Exploring Socio-Political Dynamics in the Bronze Age North-East Peloponnese: A Computational Approach”
F. Carbotti, “‘There are Prehistoric cities up there’. Methodological insights on fortified hilltop sites in southern Albania”
J. Starke, F. Becker, R. Busch, B. Ludwig, M. Nykamp, and B. Schütt, “(Late) Holocene landscape development of the lower Bakırçay plain (Pergamon Micro-Region, western Türkiye) and its modern alteration”