
INSTAP Academic Press

Susan C. Ferrence, Director of Publications of INSTAP Academic Press, sends the following announcement:

INSTAP Academic Press and ISD are pleased to announce that the latest editions of the Prehistory Monographs series have arrived.

These new volumes contain valuable insights from surveys and excavations conducted on the Minoan sites of Crete, exploring the intricate connection between society and its surroundings. They delve into the fascinating field of Minoan metallurgy, analyze intriguing burial customs, and offer detailed examinations of cremation practice and bone analysis.

Additionally, we'd like to draw your attention to a special offer valid for a limited time as part of the AIA book exhibit at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America that was held earlier in January in Chicago. For the next two months, the complete INSTAP backlist is available at significantly reduced prices with certain titles discounted by up to 50%--an excellent opportunity for you to expand your collection!

Latest volumes:
Backlist Flyer:

For orders in Europe, please email directly Simon Baker at ISD International: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..