
A New Home for the Archives of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory

The Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Archives of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory (PASP). Founded by Thomas G. Palaima in 1986, the PASP Archives contain the original papers and collections of the scholars who contributed to the decipherment of Linear B: Alice E. Kober, Michael G. F. Ventris, and Emmett L. Bennett, Jr.; many of these papers are accessible online. In addition, PASP houses an extensive collection of 1:1 scale photographs of inscriptions, particularly those of the Linear A and the Linear B systems, as well as thousands of rare offprints on scripts-based subjects.
The PASP collections, both physical and digital, will be formally transferred to UC Classics in the summer of 2024. During this transition phase from late spring through early fall of that year, every effort will be made to fulfill requests for information, but significant delays will occur. We expect to open access to the physical holdings by late fall of 2024, with access to the digital holdings soon afterwards.
More information about UC Classics may be found at, with information about the Archives and Special Collections of the Department of Classics at UC at More information about PASP may be found at