Future Lectures and Conferences


On 5¬–6 September 2022 the fifth workshop entitled Young Researchers in Archaeometry (YRA 5) will be hosted online by the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Further information is available at https://yrarchaeometry.weebly.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
V. Xanthopoulou, E. Nodarou, I. Iliopoulos, and M. Antonopoulou, “Playing with dirt: clayey raw materials and ancient pottery analysis from three case studies in Northern Peloponnese, South Epirus and West Crete, Greece”
E. Vallianatou, “Land-use evolution and change in five settlements of Northeastern Messenia, Greece: an interdisciplinary approach from prehistory to modern times with the contribution of new technologies”
A. Barouda, “Ceramic and plaster technologies and traditions at Neolithic Makri, Thrace, Greece”


Surveying Aegean Thrace

On 12 September 2022 a workshop entitled Surveying Aegean Thrace in the Digital Era. Επιφανειακές έρευνες στην Αιγαιακή Θράκη στην Ψηφιακή Εποχή will be held virtually via Zoom (https://duth-gr.zoom.us/j/91332591307), hosted (EEST) by the project Archaeological and Geophysical Research on the Peraia of Samothrace (Αρχαιολογικές και γεωφυσικές έρευνες στην περαία της Σαμοθράκης). Further information is available at http://www.history-archaeology.uoc.gr/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Workshop_SURVEY-AEGEAN-THRACE-SEPT2022_Final.pdf. The program will be:
A. Dan, S. Başaran, H. Brückner, E. Erkul, A. Pint, W. Rabbel, F. Reize, M. Seeliger, L. Shumilovski, and T. Wunderlich, “Ainos, Its Territory and the Hebros Delta: Geoarchaeological Results”
Α. Avramidou, J. C. Donati, Ν. Papadopoulos, Α. Sarris, Chr. Karadima, Chr. Pardalidou, Α. Garyfallopoulos, F. Aitatoglou, Μ. Tasaklaki, Ν. Sirris, and Z. Miltsakaki, “The Peraia Project: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to the Diachronic Landscape of the Peraia of Samothrace”
D. Matsas, N. Hudson, A. Laftsidis, E. Levine, G. Makris, and M. Page, “Samothrace Archaeological Survey 1985-1987 Revisited: Towards a Final Publication”
B. Wescoat, D. Matsas, A. Ball, L. Neiman, M. Nelson, M. Page, J. Gingrich, D. Mouzakidis, N. Hudson, and A. Laftsidis, “Samothrace, the Palaeopolis Archaeological Survey 2022: a preliminary report”
Γ. Ν. Τσόκας, Α. Καραμήτρου, Χ. Καραδήμα, Γ. Βαργεμέζης, and Α. Σταμπολίδης, “Γεωφυσική διασκόπηση και μείξη γεωφυσικών δεδομένων στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του αρχαίου θεάτρου στη θέση Καμπάνα της Μαρώνειας”
N. Arrington, J. Mann, G. Makris, D. Terzopoulou, and M. Tasaklaki, “The Molyvoti, Thrace, Archaeological Project (MTAP): Discovering and Recording a Diachronic Landscape”
A. Garcia, A. Mayoral, H. Orengo, C. Kallintzi, M. Georgiadis, and E. Kefalidou, “Integration of Computational Methods in Archaeological Surveys: Experimenting with Digital Approaches in the Context of the Archaeological Project of Abdera and Xanthi (APAX)”



On 19-24 September 2022 the 13th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA XIII) will be held in Vienna. Further information is available at https://www.oeaw.ac.at/conferences/asmosia-xiii-vienna/. Posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Dirican, V. Anevlavi, W. Prochaska, S. Ladstätter, B. Erdoğu, and Ö. Çevik, “In the light of new data, provenance analysis of Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic (6–5th Mill. BCE) small marble artefacts from Ulucak Höyük and Uğurlu Höyük, West Anatolia, Turkey”


Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Medicine

On 21-24 September 2022 an international symposium entitled Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Medicine: New Perspectives and Challenges for the Twenty First Century will be held at the Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Further information is available at https://www.hsozkult.de/event/id/event-117275. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
B. Andres, “The maintenance of female sexual and reproductive health in the ancient Aegean”
C. Maggidis, “The ‘House of the Idols’ at Mycenae: A Mycenaean shrine of healing and magic”



On 19-22 October 2022 the LVII Riunione Scientifica dell’IIPP. Periplous: il mare nella Preistoria mediterranea will be held in Siracusa, Italy. Further information is available at https://www.iipp.it/lvii-riunione-scientifica-iipp-2022-periplous-il-mare-nella-preistoria-mediterranea/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
A. Cazzella and G. Recchia, “Indizi di connessioni culturali fra il Mediterraneo orientale e centrale nei primi secoli del II millennio a.C.”
A. Arena, C. Cavazzuti, G. E. De Benedetto, P. Fragnoli, R. Jung, and T. Scarano, “Dentro le stive. Analisi dei residui organici dalle ceramiche di tipo egeo da Roca”
A. Magrì, “‘Più veloci di aquile i miei sogni, attraversano il mare’. La produzione ceramica decorata a Pantelleria nell’età del Bronzo: ritmi locali e suggestioni esterne”
E. Borgna, “Commercianti, artigiani e altri viaggiatori nel Mediterraneo della seconda metà del II millennio a.C.: qualche osservazione sulla funzione e il valore del metallo nelle relazioni interregionali”
A. Vanzetti, G. Artioli, M. A. Castagna, A. Di Renzoni, S. T. Levi, D. Vincenzi, and D. Gullì, “Materiali metallici e metallurgia a Cannatello (AG): repertorio, contesti e primi dati analitici”
M. Cultraro and A. M. Pollastrini, “Come i predoni sui sentieri dell’acqua (Od. 3.71-74): per un’archeologia della pirateria nel Mediterraneo dell’età del Bronzo”
A. Crispino and S. Chilardi, “Simboli attraverso il mare. Analisi tipologica e archeozoologica degli ossi a globuli nell’area del Mediterraneo”
A. Crispino and R. Jung, “Le navi di Thapsos – iconografia nautica del Bronzo medio nel suo contesto mediterraneo”
A. Greco, V. Cannavò, D. Gullì, S. T. Levi, A. Vanzetti, and P. M. Day, “Segni cipro-minoici su anfore egee da Cannatello (AG): nuovi dati”
D. Calderone, O. Palio, and M. Turco, “Alla periferia della periferia. Le relazioni tra il mare e l’entroterra della Sicilia durante la media età del Bronzo”
D. Gullì, F. Maurici F. Oliveri, and A. Vanzetti, “Ancore litiche presso Cannatello (AG) e connettività marittima”
P. Scalora, “L’insediamento del Plemmirio dell’età del Bronzo medio alla luce delle ultime acquisizioni”