Past Lectures and Conferences

Prehistoric lakeshore settlements in South-East Europe

On 5-6 July 2022 a mid-term conference entitled Prehistoric lakeshore settlements in South-East Europe: archaeological, palaeoecological and bioarchaeological investigations within the EXPLO project was held at the Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Further information is available at the program was:
A. Hafner, “Overview of the University of Bern archaeological project”
W. Tinner, “Overview of the University of Bern palaeoecological project”
A. Bogaard, “Overview of the University of Oxford project”
K. Kotsakis, “Overview of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki project”
J. Francuz, “Dendrochronology: Turning Prehistory into History? An outline of the methodological basics of building and dating tree-ring chronologies from wood sampled from wetland sites”
A. Maczkowski, “Prehistoric dendrochronology in the southern Balkans: state-of-the-art and prospects”
M. Bolliger, “The dendroarchaeology of the prehistoric waterlogged site Ploča - Mičov Grad, Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia”
T. Giagkoulis, F. Stefanou, and K. Kotsakis, “Phases and architecture of Dispilio: results and challenges”
S. Kyrillidou, I. Siamidou, I. Oikonomou, R. Veropoulidou, and K. Kotsakis, “Site stratigraphy and key stratigraphic markers at the Neolithic wetland settlement of Dispilio. Our progress to date within the project of EXPLO”
E. Voulgari, M. Sofronidou, N. Saridaki, I. Siamidou, E. Tsiola, N. Katsikaridis, and K. Kotsakis, “Reassembling continuity and change in Neolithic Dispilio”
M. Sofronidou, E. Voulgari, A. Dimoula, N. Saridaki, and K. Kotsakis, “Dispilio pottery in its regional context: affinities and potential contacts”
T. Bekiaris, A. Kita, E. Koutsopoulou, B. Milić, and G. Stratouli, “The stone and bone industries from Neolithic Dispilio: preliminary typological and technological observations”
J. Reich, “Archaeological Fieldwork at Lake Ohrid”
M. Hostettler, “Farmers of the Bronze Age – Exploring land use dynamics and agricultural practices using legacy data and land-use modelling”
A. Thévenaz, C. Morales-Molino, E. Gobet, C. Martin, C. De Jonge, O. Rach, D. Sachse, and W. Tinner, “Reconstructing Holocene climate dynamics in Northern Greece using biomarker proxies in lake sediments”
K. Ganz, C. Morales-Molino, E. Gobet, L. Hächler, D. Kiosak, N. Kotova, J. van Leeuwen, S. Makhortykh, S. Ogi, E. Schaad, C. Schwörer, P. Zander, M. Grosjean, and W. Tinner, “From sea to summit: the impact of climate and land-use change on vegetation at different altitudes and along two Neolithisation routes”
L. van Vugt, C. Morales-Molino, E. Gobet, M. Grosjean, A. Knetge, J. F. N. van Leeuwen, A. F. Lotter, H. Vogel, A. Hafner, and W. Tinner, “Insights into the impacts of climate and land use on the vegetation of the Four Lakes region in Northern Greece”
L. van Vugt, E. Gobet, K. Ganz, G.-L. Grünenfelder, H. Vogel, and W. Tinner, “First results on 50,000 years of vegetation history at Limni Orestiás Kastorias”
V. Isaakidou, P. Halstead, R. Veropoulidou, R. Chronaki, D. Androulaki, and A. Bogaard, “The zooarchaeology of Dispilio, Lake Orestias, Kastorias”
M. Ergun, E. Gkatzogia, M. Ntinou, M. Charles, and A. Bogaard, “The archaeobotany of Dispilio, Lake Orestias, Kastorias”
E. Gobet, S. Brechbühl, L. van Vugt, C. Morales-Molino, J. Volery, A. F. Lotter, A. Ballmer, S. O. Brugger, A. Hafner, and W. Tinner, “Vegetation dynamics and land-use change at the Neolithic lakeshore settlement site of Ploča Mičov Grad, Lake Ohrid”
R. Ballantyne, M. Charles, and A. Bogaard, “The archaeobotany of Progradec, Lin 3, Lake Ohrid”
A. Holguin, M. Charles, M. Ergun, and A. Bogaard, “The archaeobotany of Ploča Mičov Grad, Lake Ohrid”