Future Lectures and Conferences

WAC – 9

On 3-8 July 2022 the 9th World Archaeological Congress (WAC – 9) will be held in Prague. Further information is available at https://www.wac-9.org/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Pyrgaki, “A new materialistic ontologically oriented approach: the case study of the Dispilio Neolithic lakeside settlement”
S. Davis, “The Kotroni Archaeological Survey Project: Landscape-scale survey and initial results”
T. Strasser, “The Asphendou Cave Petroglyphs: An Eyewitness Account of Pleistocene Crete”
S. Souvatzi, “Concentricity, circularity and kinship”
T. Moutsiou, “Modelling the Pleistocene Colonisation of Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean”
S. Cveček, “Çukuriçi Höyük: Household economics in the Early Bronze Age Aegean”
S. M. Valamoti, “Understanding ancient cuisine through an ethnoarchaeobotany of traditional plant food preparations: case studies from Greece”


Ventris at 100

On 7 July 2022 the Institute of Classical Studies, London will hold an in-person event on Ventris at 100 to celebrate 100 years from Michael Ventris' birth and 70 years since the decipherment of Linear B. To attend, registration is required at https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events/michael-ventris-100. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
J. Bennet, “Without Ventris ...? What would we not know about early Greece had Linear B remained undeciphered?”
E. Salgarella, “Time to rotate the kaleidoscope? Changing perspectives on 'Minoan' Linear A”
C. Donnelly, “What's in a Word? New Paths and Old Roadblocks in the Study of Cypro-Minoan”