Past Lectures and Conferences

Intercultural Contacts

On 2-3 June 2022 an international conference entitled Intercultural Contacts Between the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean was held in Thessaloniki. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
A. David, “Aegean Sources of Architectural and Iconographic Motifs in Akhenaten’s New Visual Repertoire”



On 6-10 June 2022 the 7th International Congress for Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA7) was held in Helsinki. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
A. Georgiou, “Aspects of maritime trade and connectivity: the Egyptian transport amphorae from Late Bronze Age Cyprus”
M. Michael, “Maritime Cultural Landscape of Fishing Communities in Cyprus”


New Perspectives in Greek Archaeology

On 24-25 June 2022 a celebration in honor of John Camp from his students at the Athenian Agora entitled New Perspectives in Greek Archaeology was held in Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
A. Duray, “Stratigraphies of the Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries: Disciplinary Negotiation, Archaeological Practice, and the Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age Transition”


Aegean Acheulean

On 25-29 June 2022 an international conference entitled Aegean Acheulean at the Eurasian crossroads: Hominin settlement in Eurasia and Africa was held at the Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production, Lesbos, Greece. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
A. Darlas, “Le Paleolithique Inferieur en Grece et l’apport des nouvelles donnees issues de la grotte de Petralona”
N. Galanidou, “The Aegean Palaeolithic research agenda”
N. Galanidou, J. McNabb, P. Tsakanikou, E. Karkazi, N. Soulakellis, C. Vasilakos, E. E. Papadopoulou, and G. Iliopoulos, “Digging, mapping, profiling, trenching, and sampling: archaeological field strategies for investigating the Acheulean Rodafnidia, Lesbos”
G. Iliopoulos, J. Alexopoulos, P. Papadopoulou, A. Zeliklidis, S. Dilalos, N. Voulgaris, A. Biggin, L. J. Arnold, N. Taffin, and N. Galanidou, “The Acheulean site of Rodafnidia: geology, stratigraphy and chronology”
E. Karkazi, A. Magganas, and N. Galanidou, “Lithic Raw Material Economy and Provenance at the Acheulean site of Rodafnidia, Lesbos”
G. Herzlinger and N. Galanidou, “A 3D geometric morphometric shape analysis of the Acheulean Large Cutting Tools from Lesbos”
N. Bourli, G. Iliopoulos, N. Galanidou, and A. Zeliklidis, “The Acheulean site of Rodafnidia: detailed sedimentological analyses”
N. Bourli, G. Iliopoulos, P. Papadopoulou, N. Galanidou, A. Maravelis, and A. Zeliklidis, “Following the water: palaeocurrent directions of the Middle Pleistocene fluvial network of Rodafnidia”
P. Papadopoulou, K. Vassiliadou, M. Kolendrianou, G. Iliopoulos, and N. Galanidou, “The palaeoenvironment of the Acheulean site of Rodafnidia: the microfossil record”
N. Galanidou, P. Tsakanikou, G. Iliopoulos, P. Papadopoulou, L. J. Arnold, and A. Zeliklidis, “The Kamara and Vathy Lagkadi Palaeolithic sites, Lisvori alluvial plain: geology, stratigraphy and finds”
S. Kübler, P. Tsakanikou, G. Iliopoulos, and N. Galanidou, “Soil resources as indicators for affordances at the Acheulean site of Rodafnidia: a geoedaphic approach”
S. Sotiropoulou, M. Kalaitzis, D. Sakellariou, E. Skourtsos, H. Kranis, T. Hasiotis, and N. Galanidou, “Plio-Quaternary palaeogeographic evolution of central south Lesbos: implications for Palaeolithic Archaeology”
A. Athanassiou, G. A. Lyras, A. A. E. van der Geer, “The Villafranchian fauna of Vatera, Lesbos, Greece”
P. Tsakanikou, “Reassessing the biogeographical role of the Aegean region during the early and Middle Pleistocene: an affordance-based modelling approach”
H. Taşkiran and B. Dinçer, “Acheulean in Turkey”
H. Bulut and G. Karhan, “Looking for Acheulean Assemblages of the North Aegean Palaeolithic: new contributions, issues and remarks from the Canakkale – Balıkesir coastline, Turkey”
K. Özçelik and H. Bulut, “Traces of the Acheulean culture in Denizli (South Aegean/Western Anatolia”
N. Sanz, “From Pleistocene Science to Pleistocene Heritage”