Past Lectures and Conferences


On 21 May 2022 a Student-Doctorate Archaeological Scientific Conference entitled Artefakt was hosted in hybrid format by the Department of Archeology at the University of Warsaw. Further information is available at
Archeologiczna-Konferencja-Naukowa-Artefakt-109009785011988. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
P. Jurkowska, “Fashioning Society’s Values: The Social Role of Minoan Jewellery in Prepalatial and Protopalatial Crete”
O. Walczak, “Przemiany krajobrazowe Równiny Salonickiej w neolicie (6600-3300 BC) w świetle danych archeologicznych”


In Poseidon’s Realm XXVII

On 16-22 May 2022 In Poseidon’s Realm XXVII: Maritime Landscapes was held Istria, Croatia. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
A. Chalkioti, and V. Ivrou, “Changing landscapes and early maritime crossings. The case of central and north Aegean Greece”
N. Efstratiou, A. Sotiriou, O. Koukousioura, P. Tokmakidis, and C. Giangrande, “The maritime landscape of the early farming settlement of Agios Petros in Alonnisos, Northern Aegean, Greece”
G. Ferentinos and L. Karali, “The submerged MBA/LBA harbour of Aegina polis-state in the Aegean Sea: The most iconic, prehistoric marine engineering structure”
M. Gkioni, V. Ferentinos, V. Prevenios, M. Geraga, and G. Papatheodorou, “Archaic hominins maiden voyage in the Mediterranean Sea”