Past Lectures and Conferences


On 28 February 2022, PlantCult: Investigating the food cultures of ancient Europe held a one-day Zoom meeting. Further information is available at The program was:
C. Hastorf, “PlantCult and the Archaeobotany of Food: some introductory words”
T. Valamoti, “The ERC PlantCult project: overview of the project implementation”
T. Valamoti, C. Petridou, and S. Michou, “Plantfoods of prehistoric Greece”
I. Hristova, E. Marinova, A. G. Heiss, and T. Valamoti, “Archaeobotanical study of archaeological food remains from Bulgaria”
H.-P. Stika, M. Berihuete-Azorin, M. Hallama, A. Mechler, J. Stäzler, and T. Valamoti, “PlantCult Ancient Cereal Food - Gruenkern: unripe spelt against hunger or as gourmet food”
A. G. Heiss, F. Antolín, M. Berihuete-Azorín, L. Kubiak-Martens, E. Marinova, H.-P. Stika, and T. Valamoti, “Out of the pot, out of the oven: PlantCult insights into prehistoric bread-like objects from central Europe”
H.-P. Stika, M. Berihuete-Azorin, A. G. Heiss, F. Antolín, E. Marinova, L. Kubiak-Martens, C. Petridou, E. Rosenstock, and S. M. Valamoti, “PlantCult Ancient Beer - New Methods of Analysis”
G. Kasapidou, G. Tsartsidou, and C. McNamee, “Plant processing through the analysis of micro-botanical remains: data from Bronze Age settlements in northern Greece”
D. Chondrou, M. Bofill, R. Vargiolu, H. Zahouani, and H. Procopiou, “Exploring the role of grinding stone tool technology in prehistoric Greece through usewear analysis”
T. Bekiaris, D. Chondrou, and I. Ninou, “The study of prehistoric food-processing stone tools from SE Europe in PlantCult Project”
A. Dimoula and Z. Tsirtsoni, “The contribution of PlantCult project in cooking pottery research”
E. Standall, A. Dimoula, C., Z. Tsirtsoni, and O. Craig, “Exploring Prehistoric Culinary Practices in South East Europe by Organic Residue Analysis”
M. Ntinou and C. Pagnoux, “The beginnings of arboriculture in Greece: new data from charcoal and morphometric analyses”
M. Jones, “Overview of the PlantCult project”