Future Lectures and Conferences

Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills in the Aegean Bronze Age

The program of a new online lecture series entitled Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills in the Aegean Bronze Age has been announced, to be hosted jointly by the Universities of Copenhagen, Heidelberg, Prague, and Warsaw. All lectures will be delivered on Fridays at 2 pm CET (8 am EST), available at https://audimax.heiconf.uni-heidelberg.de/ma73-hghm-mwfy-tevh?fbclid=IwAR3BjsA7WqICAl0DAcx-CFmDyZWVS2szVNzjc8dsQmeiQWXPm1JktxzDsk8; no registration is required. Further information is available at https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2956431651261621&set=a.1388585244712944.
17 December 2021: C. Knappett, “Meaning in the Making: Creativity in Aegean Bronze Age Art”
7 January 2022: N. Papadimitriou and A. Goumas, “Aegean Crafts: Materials, Tools and the Notion of Skill”
14 January 2022: A. Ulanowska, “Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills in Textile Production in Bronze Age Greece”
21 January 2022: C. von Ruden, “Between Skillful Routines and Creative Divergence — a View on Craft in the Aegean Bronze Age”
28 January 2022: S. Todaro, “Multi-layered and Internally Supported Vessels from Early and Middle Minoan Phaistos: a Peculiar Case of Skilled Creativity in Bronze Age Crete”
4 February 2022: A. Dakouri-Hild, “From tine Things to Sum of Worlds: Creativity and the Making of Bespoke Artefacts in the Mycenaean World”
11 February 2022: C. Murphy, “Techniques and Tricks: Some Preliminary Results of a Study on the Production of the Petsophas Peak Sanctuary Figurines”


Human Agency and Global Challenges

On 24-26 February 2022 a conference entitled Human Agency and Global Challenges: Re-Centering Social Change in Archaeology will be held Bergen, Norway. Further information is available at https://www.uib.no/en/rg/materiality/145610/human-agency-and-global-challenges-re-centering-social-change-archaeology#thursday-24th-nbsp-february. Papers of interest to Nestor readers, will include:
Z. Tankosic and P. Zafeiriadis, “Embracing insularity: Cycl(ad)ic social changes in Final Neolithic Greece”