Past Lectures and Conferences


Detailed summaries of the presentations and discussions hosted by MASt@CHS in Spring 2021 are available online at The seminars were:
S. Morris, “The Kingdom of Philoktetes and the Curse of Agamemnon: Pieria in the Bronze Age (A View from the South)”
M. Silver, “The to-no Festival and Textile Trade in the Bronze Age Aegean”



On 17-19 May 2021 the 9th Developing International Geoarchaeology Conference (DIG2021) was held virtually, hosted at the University of Algarve, Faro. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
Rachel Kulick, D. Lewis, C. Atkins, F. Berna, K. Fisher, C. Kearns, and S. Manning, “Geoarchaeology at Bronze Age Maroni Vournes, Cyprus: Micromorphology and Palaeolandscape Analysis”


CAA 2021

On 14-18 June 2021 the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA 2021): Digital Crossroads was hosted online from the Cyprus University of Technology. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
D. A Lukas, “The Living Archive of Çatalhöyük: investigating the in-/transparencies of archaeological knowledge production”
M. C. Manzetti and A. Sarris, “A Methodological Approach for Intra-Site Analysis of Spatial Organization of Thessalian Neolithic Settlements”
D. Daems, “PolisABM: Modelling polis formation, urban systems and social complexity in the eastern Mediterranean from Iron Age to Hellenistic times”
A. Dakouri-Hild, A. Agapiou, S. Davis, and W. Rourk, “Evaluating an Ancient Landscape Using Remote Sensing: The Kotroni Archaeological Survey Project (KASP)”
C. Putzolu, M. Loy, J. Wallrodt, S. Stocker, and J. Davis, “Towards a workflow for documenting, processing and archiving large excavation contexts on-the-fly. Challenges and lessons learnt at The Palace of Nestor Project, Pylos”
B. Rueff, A. Pinto, K. Messini, and H. Procopiou, “From the material culture to the lived space. A virtual reconstruction of a Minoan workshop”
Y. de Raaff and G. R. Nobles, “Experimental archaeology in immersive Virtual Reality: a 3D reconstruction of a mortuary structure of Tomb 21, a Bronze Age mortuary structure from Ayios Vasileios, Greece”
P. Gheorghiade, H. C. W. Price, R. Rivers, and T. Evans, “Between land and sea: modelling terrestrial mobility and maritime interaction on Crete during the Late Bronze Age”
P. Kyriakidis, A. Nikolaidis, C. Panayiotou, G. Leventis, E. Akylas, C. Michaelides, D. Moutsiou, C. McCartney, L. Bitsakaki, S. Demesticha, V. Kassianidou, D. Bar-Yosef Mayer, and Y. Makovsky, “A null model of drift-induced maritime connectivity between Cyprus and its surrounding coastal areas at the onset of the Holocene”
K. Jarriel, “Technologies of Resilience, Climate Disaster, and Maritime Networks: A Case Study of Cycladic Small Worlds”
J. Fort and J. Pérez-Losada, “Computational modelling of Neolithic spread: archaeology and genetics”


Waiting for EMAC2023@Pisa

On 6-8 July 2021 a conference titled Waiting for EMAC2023@Pisa was held virtually. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
K. Christodoulou, “Preliminary results from a mineralogical and chemical study of clayey raw materials from the area of East Phokis and East Lokris”