Call for Papers

On 15 November 2010 abstracts (300 to 500 words) are due for papers or posters at CAA2011. The 39th Annual International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archeology (CAA): “Revive the Past”, to be held on 12-16 April 2011 in Beijing. Further information on the conference and the registration process is available at In addition to the General Papers section, the following topical sections are seeking contributions:

Illuminating Virtual Reconstructions: Physical Accuracy and Archaeological Interpretation

Semantic Technologies in Archaeology

Conceptual Modeling for Archaeology

Digital Spaces for Archaeology

Toward Best Practices for Building and Using Digital Models of Cultural Heritage Sites

Collective Geophysics for Archaeology: Moving Forward

Digging with Words: E-text and E-archaeology

Connecting the Dots: Critical Approaches in Archaeological Network Analysis

Spatial Prediction of Archaeological Sites and Paleoenvironments