Future Conferences and Lectures

54th Public Lecture Series

The Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus has announced the following schedule of lectures for the 54th Public Lecture Series during autumn 2020; all will held virtually via Zoom at 7:30 pm (EET). Registration is required for access to the Zoom lecture at https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fucy.zoom.us%2Fmeeting%2Fregister%2FtJYtduuupzMtGdTqYYgUpTplKh2s6YpqCnQ6&data=02%7C01%7Caegeanet%40lists.ku.edu%7Cad40ed9c5c094061765a08d862f3cf4b%7C3c176536afe643f5b96636feabbe3c1a%7C0%7C0%7C637368146594947930&sdata=IqslMoKunqBq6RP%2FLDp4HkYppzD1jq8WUaSaMkBPhHw%3D&reserved=0. Further information is available at https://www.ucy.ac.cy/aru/documents/Lectures/ARU_Lectures_WS2020.pdf. Lectures of interest to Nestor readers will include:
5 October 2020: D. Pilides, “Inland Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age: Survey and excavations in the region of Agios Sozomenos”
19 October 2020: L. Crewe, “The changing nature of occupation at Bronze Age Kissonerga-Skalia”
16 November 2020: C. Morris, “Minoans reimagined: From ancient images to multiple modern ‘lives’”
23 November 2020: I. Nikolakopoulou, “Thera and the Aegean world in the Middle Bronze Age”
30 November 2020: M. Choleva, “Η ιστορία μιας καινοτομίας: Μαθαίνοντας τον κεραμικό τροχό στο Αιγαίο της 3ης χιλιετίας”
7 December 2020: S. Vakirtzi, “Textile Archaeology and the investigation of the 4th to 3rd mill. BC transition: A textile craft-based approach to an early stage of Aegean prehistory”


Mycenaean Seminars

The University of London School of Advanced Study, Institute of Classical Studies has announced the following schedule of Mycenaean Seminars for 2020-2021. From October through January, the lectures will be held online; from February through May, the lectures are scheduled to take place in the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Further information is available at https://ics.sas.ac.uk/sites/default/files/files/Mycenaean%20Seminar%202020-21_final.pdf
The first four seminars will take place online via Zoom. Each seminar will be set up as a separate meeting on Zoom with a unique link, ID and password. It will be necessary for all attendees to register in advance by visiting the ICS events web page https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events which lists all events in date order and clicking on the ‘Book now’ button for the Seminar you are interested in. An email will be sent to each person booking with joining details for the event on Zoom. It is not necessary to download the Zoom application or to have a Zoom account to participate in the seminar. Clicking on the event link will bring up a prompt to open the Zoom application or to join by clicking on ‘start from your browser’. If you encounter any issues, please contact Valerie James: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To book a place for our first seminar, please follow the link: https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events/event/22941 We look forward to seeing you!
14 October 2020: J. Mokrisova, “Crossing Borders, Re-thinking Paradigms: Aegean-Anatolian Interactions in the Late Bronze Age” (online)
11 November 2020: N. Papadimitriou, “From Wessex to Mycenae via l’Armorique? An old question under the light of goldworking technologies” (online)
2 December 2020: V. Isaakidou, “Of animals and humans on prehistoric Crete: interdisciplinary approaches to animal exploitation” (online)
13 January 2021: C. Palyvou, “‘Great Expectations’. What can architecture tell us about the past?”
10 February 2021: T. Brogan, “Purple Production on Chryssi Island in the Bronze Age”
10 March 2021: R. Orgeolet, “Layers of memory. 2009-2019: Ten years of excavations and research at Kirrha (Phocis, Greece)”
12 May 2021: S. R. Stocker and J. L. Davis, “Tales from Nestor’s Crypt: Pylos 2015-2020”


Archaeological Science Methods

On 12-14 October 2020 a workshop entitled Archaeological Science Methods in the Field and in the Laboratory: What, How, and Why will be held by the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) at the Cyprus Institute together with the University of Cambridge and KU Leuven to advance Archaeological Science research in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME). The workshop can be attended as an online event or in person after expression of interest subject to limitations in place regarding COVID-19; for in-person attendance, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information and links to the online platforms are available at https://www.cyi.ac.cy/index.php/component/k2/archaeological-science-methods-in-the-field-and-in-the-laboratory-what-how-and-why.html.


Sixty Years of Exploring Prehistoric Kea

On 22 October 2020 a webinar entitled Sixty Years of Exploring Prehistoric Kea: A celebration of John L. Caskey’s excavations at Ayia Irini will be held at noon EST, 7:00 P.M. Athens time. Presenters will include Jenifer Neils, Jack Davis, Miriam Caskey, Lyvia Morgan, Natalie Abell, and Kostantinos Tzortzinis. Further information and a registration form is available at https://www.ascsa.edu.gr/events/details/sixty-years-exploring-prehistoric-kea.