To the readers and users of Nestor resources, from the editor

I am taking the opportunity of this period during which physical libraries are closed to expand and improve the list of digital journals and publications checked for bibliography to include in Nestor.

Please, therefore, send references and URLs for your digital publications that are not currently included in the Nestor database; I am particularly looking for scientific journals, especially ones from which Nestor has never listed an article, which are therefore not currently on my spreadsheet of journals to check. In order to be listed in the May issue (47.5), the whole volume will need to be accessible, not just one article, but even if that condition cannot be met, the reference would still be valuable so it can be collected in full later when libraries reopen.

The email address of Nestor is in the masthead and on the website.

Thank you, and all best wishes. – Carol Hershenson, editor.