Future Lectures and Conferences

TAG 2019

On 16-18 December 2019 the 41st annual Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference (TAG 2019): Power, Knowledge and the Past will be held in London. Further information is available at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/news-events/conferences/tag-2019. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
A. S. Green, T. P. Leppard, T. C. Wilkinson, and D. Wilkinson, “Capital in the 21st Century BC: The Bronze Age Dynamics of Economic Growth and Inequality”
D. Wilkinson, T. C. Wilkinson, A. S. Green, and T. P. Leppard, “A Deep History of Oligarchy”
K. Soar, “Mino-tourism: Picture postcards and the creation of the Minoans”
M. Dolan, “Boats out of Water: Tracing the impact of whim, bias and disinterest on archaeological knowledge through Cypriot terracotta boat models”
L. Nixon, “Messages from Mykene: Othering and Smothering. Intersectional Orientalism and Sexism in a 2019 Museum Exhibition”
D. Markaki, “Cretensis mare ignorant. An ambiguous archaeological collection in Crete”
E. Prezioso, “Style as memory: bridging past and present in the context of Minoan archaeology”
A. Aston, “Scale and Scalability: A Novel Perspective on the Emergence of Cycladic Bodies”


Archaeology of the Ionian Sea

On 10-11 January 2020 a conference entitled Archaeology of the Ionian Sea: Landscapes, seascapes and the circulation of people, goods and ideas (Palaeolithic – Bronze Age) will be held in Athens. Further information is available at http://www.history-archaeology.uoc.gr/en/international-conference-archaeology-of-the-ionian-sea-10-2/. The program will be:
H. Dawson, “Comparative perspectives in Island Archaeology: A view from the Ionian Islands”
A. Vött, H. Hadler, L. Obrocki, T. Willershäuser, F. Lang, and B. Eder, “Palaeogeographical changes and their implications for human activities along the coasts of the Ionian Sea since the mid-Holocene”
P. Styles, G. Apostolopoulos, J. Underhill, J. Crawshaw, O. Vikatou, and E. Papafloratou, “Use of geoscience to understand the palaeogeographic development of Livadi Marsh, Paliki: implications for the detection of an ancient harbour and anthropogenic settlement”
D. Sakellariou, A. Zavitsanou, G. Rousakis, and N. Galanidou, “Palaeogeographic reconstruction of the northern Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago (Western Greece) during Late Quaternary low sea level periods”
C. Papoulia, N. Galanidou, and C. Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, “Tracing Middle Palaeolithic land and sea routes in the central Ionian Sea”
S. Ligkovanlis and G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, “Palaeolithic peopling and settling of Zakynthos island. Interpreting the new evidence within the Western Greek and Adriatic context”
N. Galanidou, O. Vikatou, M. Gatsi, A. Vasilakis, C. Morgan, J. Forsen, V. Staikou, C. Papoulia, and P. Zervoudakis, “Prehistoric settlement in the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago and its Ionian Archipelago connections
C. Papoulia, “Lithics as diachronic proxies for the circulation of people and ideas in the dynamic Ionian landscape”
K. Zachos and N. Galanidou, “Prehistoric settlement in the Choirotrypa Cave on Lefkas”
G. Stratouli, T. Bekiaris, and V. Melfos, “Beyond the horizon. Stone artefacts and social networks in Late Neolithic Drakaina Cave, Kefalonia Island”
A. Sotiriou, “Evidence of settlements on Kefalonia during the EH period. The case of Sami”
G. J. van Wijngaarden, N. Pieters, and C. Wiersma, “The Early and Middle Bronze Age in the Ionian Sea. New evidence from the island of Zakynthos”
A. Vasilakis and T. Pefani, “LBA Ellipsoid Megaron at Tzannata, near Poros, Kefalonia. New evidence for the LBA in Kefalonia and the Ionian Islands”
O. Metaxas, “Diverging trajectories within the western Mycenaean koine: the case of Kefalonia”
I. Voskos, “Migrants, refugees and social restructuring in Late Helladic Kefalonia”
C. Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, “Islands in the stream. A maritime perspective of the central Ionian Islands in the Late Bronze Age”
E. Yiannouli, “‘Archaeological Shoreline Research’ on the cultural semantics of coasts: the promontory of Kapros, SE Kefalonia, in the Bronze Age”
V. Lanaras, “Aitoloacarnania and the Ionian Sea in the Bronze Age: A history of interaction”
M. Cultraro, “Reconstructing paths of interregional communications: the LH IIIB-C handmade incised pottery of the Ionian Islands”
F. Iacono and W. de Neef, “The Ionian-Adriatic interface as a landscape of mobility”
M. K. Kalisch, “Climate and environment of the Ionian Islands. From the first human impact to the Protogeometric period”
C. Alberto, “The rock-cut tholos tombs between Mycenaean influences and local peculiarities: the case of central-south Sicily”
T. Alusik, “Health status, medicine and diet on the opposite sides of the Gulf of Corinth in the Bronze Age”
A. Karadima, “Continuity in the material culture of Kefalonia: LBA and Historical Period. The case of Drakaina Cave”
A. Pentedeka, C. Morgan, and A. Sotiriou, “Making pots in no clay’s land: The communal ceramic traditions of prehistoric Ithaca”
E. Giagkoudi and A. Kanta-Kitsou, “Contribution to the study of Bronze Age in Corfu. The case of Ano Korakiana”
T. J. Papadopoulos, “The nature of warfare in Western Greece and the Ionian Islands during the Late Bronze Age”
V. L. Aravantinos, “Homeric questions on Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Ionian revisited”


The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean

On 17-18 January 2020 a conference entitled The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean: Cyprus and Beyond will be held in Gothenburg. Further information is available at http://www.fischerarchaeology.se/?page_id=2749. The program will be:
P. M. Fischer, “The end of the Late Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean”
I. Kreimerman, “The role of destruction in conflict and collapse: A view from Cyprus and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age”
H. Whittaker, “The end of the Mycenaean Period: Collapse, decline or a bit of both”
J. Driessen, “The destruction of the Palace of Knossos and Cretan collapse”
C. Roche-Hawley, “The Levant and Cyprus at the twilight of the Late Bronze Age: A new synthesis informed by the texts found in the House of Urtēnu at Ugarit”
J. Bretschneider, J. Driessen, and A. Kanta, “Results of the excavation seasons 2014–2019 at Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Cyprus: A short-lived settlement at the end of the Bronze Age“
S. Hermon, J. Bretschneider, J. Driessen, and A. Kanta, “Integrating sciences and technologies at Pyla-Kokkinokremos”
V. Kassianidou, “Cypriot copper production, consumption and trade in the 12th century BC”
M. Mehofer, “Bronze Age copper production at Hala Sultan Tekke: First archaeometallurgical results”
E. M. Wild, “14C-dating of the Late Bronze Age city of Hala Sultan Tekke”
T. Bürge, “The LC IIC to IIIA transition at Hala Sultan Tekke: A pottery perspective”
J. Sterba, “Neutron Activation Analysis of the pottery corpus of Hala Sultan Tekke and comparison to literature data”
P. Waiman-Barak, “Provenance analysis of ceramics and stone anchors from Hala Sultan-Tekke: Evidence for intra-island and interregional trade connections during the Late Bronze Age”
R. Jung, H. Mommsen, and T. Pedrazzi, “The external contacts of Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age”
E. Kozal, “Cypriot pottery in Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age”
T. Pedrazzi, “Trade networks, food storage, and the response to the crisis of LBA societies: An analysis of the Levantine storage and transport containers in the 13th–11th centuries BCE”
L. Recht, “Animals at the decline of the Late Bronze Age in Cyprus and beyond”
D. Kaniewski, N. Marriner, R. Cheddadi, and C. Morhange, “When Cyprus turned cold: A view from the past 6000 years”