Future Lectures and Conferences

New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium

The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium has announced the schedule of speakers for 2019-2020, to take place at the NYU Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street, NY, New York at 6:30 pm. Further information is available at https://nyabac.tumblr.com/.
10 October 2019: E. Margaritis, “Farming the Marginal Landscapes of the Aegean Bronze Age: The Site of Dhaskalio in the Cycladic Archipelago”
12 November 2019: K. Polinger Foster
6 February 2020: L. V. Watrous
30 April 2020: T. Palaima


Mycenaean Seminars in London

The University of London School of Advanced Study, Institute of Classical Studies has announced the following schedule of Mycenaean Seminars for 2019-2020, to take place in the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House South Block Ground Floor G22 / 26, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Unless otherwise stated, Mycenaean Seminars begin at 3:30 pm and are held in Ground Floor room G22. Further information is available at https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events/seminar-lecture-series.
16 October 2019: G. Baldacci, “Before the ‘Royal Villa’: Investigating the Protopalatial levels of Hagia Triada”
13 November 2019 (room 349): I. Moutafi, “Towards a Social Bioarchaeology of the Mycenaean Period: Human bones, burial practices and ideological shifts in Late Bronze Age Achaea”
4 December 2019: E. Oddo, “Fine Sherds and Blue Monkeys: Re-investigating the House of the Frescoes at Knossos”
15 January 2020: U. Günkel-Maschek, “Small step, Big impact: A new interpretation of the Procession Fresco from Knossos”
12 February 2020: B. Davis, “Using Linguistic Methods to Investigate Undeciphered Aegean Scripts”
11 March 2020: R. Koehl, “Recent Evidence for Interconnections between the Aegean and Tel Atchana (ancient Alalakh) from the Middle Bronze into the Iron Age”
20 May 2020, 5:00 PM: R. Orgeolet, “Layers of memory. 2009-2019: Ten years of excavations and research at Kirrha (Phocis, Greece)”


Helene J. Kantor Centennial Symposium

On 4-5 October 2019 a Symposium on the Occasion of the Helene J. Kantor Centennial will be held at the Penn Museum. Further information is available at http://www.arce-pa.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
T. Tartaron, “Helene Kantor and Aegean-Near Eastern Connections: An Update from the West”
U. Matić, “Helene J Kantor and the Aegean-Egyptian Interconnections: Theoretical and Methodological Background of Her Work and Its Legacy”
B. A. Judas, “The ‘International Style’ in Egypt”


European Islands

On 15-16 November 2019 a conference and edited book entitled European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds: Interdisciplinary Long-Term Perspectives will be held at the University of Tübingen. Further information is available at https://www.archaeology.wiki/blog/agenta/european-islands-between-isolated-and-interconnected-life-worlds/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
K. Jazwa, “Settlement Planning during a Crisis: The Case of Maa-Palaeokastro (Cyprus)”
S. Menelaou, “Shifting modes of insularity and connectivity in the east Aegean during the third millennium BC: the view from pottery analysis”


ASOR 2019

On 20-23 November 2019 the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR 2019) will be held in San Diego, CA. Further information is available at http://www.asor.org/am/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
E. H. Cline, “Dirt, Digging, Dreams, and Drama: Why Presenting Proper Archaeology to the Public is Crucial for the Future of Our Field”
A. Pinto, “Experimental Approach of the Cretan Clay Sistrum”
C. Kearns, G. Andreou, K. Fisher, C. Fulton, and S. Manning, “Cityscape Interfaces: Comparative Studies of Long-Term Urban Complexes in South Central Cyprus”
B. Davis, “Minoan Cross-Craft Connections: Evidence That Some Minoan Precious-Metalsmiths Were Also Scribes”
E. Anderson, “Bodies, Walls, and Cloth: Shared Experience in Making Frescoes and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age”
A. Simmons, “Location, Location, Location: Early Cypriot Neolithic Use of Upland Areas, the Case of Ais Giorkis”
A. McCarthy, “The First Potters at Prastio: Refining the Neolithic Sequence in Western Cyprus”
K. Grossman, T. Paulette, L. Graham, and A. McCarthy, “Village Politics in Prehistoric Cyprus: Makounta-Voules-Mersinoudia, 2017–2019”
L. Crewe, “Recent Excavations at Bronze Age Kissonerga-Skalia”
P. Waiman-Barak, T. Bürge, R. Shahack-Gross, and P. Fischer, “Provenance Analysis of Ceramics and Stone Anchors from Hala Sultan Tekke: Evidence for Intra-Island and Interregional Trade Connections during the Late Bronze Age”
E. Arnold, D. Fulton, and J. Fulton, “Feeding Ashkelon: An Isotopic Investigation of Animal Resources at the Philistine City during the Iron Age I”
G. Bourogiannis, “Cypriot Connectivity in the Mediterranean (CyCoMed) from the Late Bronze Age to the Classical Period: Archaeology, Texts, and Some Coins”
T. Petit, “The Geometric Period Palace of Amathus, Cyprus”
P. Stockhammer, E. Skourtanioti, C. Jeong, M. Akar, F. Balossi, Y. Erdal, S. Eisenmann, M. Frangipane, T. Ingman, P. Matthiae, G. Palumbi, F. Pinnock, U. Schoop, R. Shafiq, K. A. Yener, W. Haak, and J. Krause, “Population Dynamics in Prehistoric Anatolia from a Bioarchaeological Perspective”
H. Sha and M. Artzy, “Late Bronze Age Cypriot Trade Networks as Perceived from the Haifa/Akko Bay and the Carmel Coast”
M. Edrey, “Shipwreck or Sunken Votives: The Underwater Site of Shavei Zion Revisited”
C. Roosevelt, P. Pavúk, and P. Demján, “Middle and Late Bronze Age Kaymakçı: New Data for Chronology and Connectivity in Western Anatolia”
W. Crist, “The Ludic Lingua Franca: Games and Interconnections in the Ancient Near East”
K. Shelton, “Late Bronze Age ‘Houses’ at Mycenae: Domestic and Industrial Complexity in the Palatial Period”
E. Miller Bonney, “Altered States on Bronze Age Crete”
C. Tully, “Understanding the Language of Trees: Ecstatic Experience and Interspecies Communication in Late Bronze Age Crete”
D. Ilan, “The Kernos and Psychotropic Substances”
N. Papalexandrou, “Vision as Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient Mediterranean”
C. Scott and C. Roosevelt, “Sediments and Citadels: Using Geochemistry to Explore Spatial Organization at Kaymakçı, Western Turkey”
K. Streit and F. Höflmayer, “The Austrian-Israeli Expedition to Tel Lachish—Results from Three Seasons of Excavation”
L. Webster, “The Middle to Late Bronze Age Transition from a 14C Perspective: The Contribution of the Tracing Transformations Project”
R. Kulick, F. Berna, and K. Fisher, “Settlement Activity and Site Formation at Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios, Cyprus: Evidence from Geoarchaeology”
E. Ridder, P. Fall, S. Pilaar Birch, M. Metzger, and S. Falconer, “Stable Isotope Inference of Environmental Change, Town Abandonment, and Redevelopment in the Southern Levant and Cyprus”
B. Clark, “Cypriot Pottery as an Indicator for Adaptive Trade Networks”
K. Cantu, R. Norris, G. Papatheodorou, I. Liritzis, D. Langgut, M. Geraga, and T. E. Levy, “Climate Change and Anthropogenic Erosion in the Coastal Mycenaean World—Potami Bay, Gulf of Corinth, Greece”
L. Steel, “Becoming a Woman in Late Bronze Age Cyprus”
L. Lucas, “Shifting Harvests: Archaeobotanical Contributions to Our Understanding of the Cypriot Chalcolithic–Bronze Age Transition”


Stellar Ventures

On 12-15 December 2019 a conference entitled Stellar Ventures: From the Shores of Crete to the Plains of Macedonia will be held in honour of Professor Stelios Andreou at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Further information is available at http://toumba.web.auth.gr/-/index.php/en/publications/conference and http://toumba.web.auth.gr/-/index.php/el/nea/126-diethnes-synedrio-pros-timin-tou-kathigiti-steliou-andreou. The provisional program is:
J. Davis and S. Stocker: Keynote Lecture
A. Papanthimou, “Ο προϊστορικός οικισμός του Αρχοντικού Γιαννιτσών στο πολιτισμικό πλαίσιο της ΠΕΧ ΙΙΙ-αρχή ΜΕΧ”
K. Wardle and D. Wardle, “Assiros Toumba: retrospect and prospect”
C. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, “Ανατολική Μακεδονία: από την Εποχή του Χαλκού στην Πρώιμη Εποχή του Σιδήρου”
C. Ziota, “Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού: terra incognita στον αρχαιολογικό χάρτη της Φλώρινας”
E. Vasileiou, “A life without palaces: settlement, economy and society in the fringe of the Mycenaean World. The case of Epirus”
P. Halstead, “Farming and food production in Bronze Age Macedonia: fringe or frontier?”
A. Karathanou, E. Gkatzogia, D. Kotsachristou, M. Ntinou, M. Mangafa, and S.-M. Valamoti, “Archaeobotanical research at Thessaloniki Toumba: 34 years of investigations”
R. Veropoulidou, “Purple dye production in the Aegean Bronze Age: the shell evidence”
A. Vasileiadou, D. Nikolaidou, and S. Chronaki, “We are what we eat. An environmental and sociocultural perspective on the interpretation of faunal remains in Toumba, Thessaloniki”
D. Margomenou, M. Roumbou, and S. Kirillidou, “Multi-stranded approaches to the study of food storage: a case-study from LBA Thessaloniki Toumba”
E. Kiriatzi, “From pots to people: who were the potters in Late Bronze Age Central Macedonia?”
I. Mavroidi and E. Kiriatzi, “Traditions of making and using pottery in an Early Bronze Age community in central Macedonia: the case of Agios Athanasios”
E. Vliora, E. Kiriatzi, and K. Psaraki, “Diversions from the local tradition? The case of the Red Slipped Ware from Thessaloniki Toumba and neighbouring sites during the final Late Bronze Age”
Y. Papadias, V. Kilikoglou, E. Kiriatzi, and K. Kotsakis, “Variability, homogeneity, omission or just a change in taste: investigating the incised pottery tradition in EIA Macedonia”
R. Christidou and K. Chondros, “Bone artifacts of the late 2nd millennium BC: a discussion based on evidence from Thessaloniki Toumba”
Y. Venieri, “Η κεραμεική παραγωγή στην περιφέρεια της Φαιστού κατά την παλαιοανακτορική περίοδο: η περίπτωση του μεσομινωϊκού οικισμού στο Αποδούλου Αμαρίου”
E. Zachou, “Η πρώιμη εποχή του Χαλκού στην ανατολική Λοκρίδα: oι οικισμοί του Προσκυνά και του Μήτρου”
A. Batziou, “The LBA Thessaly: results and perspectives”
M. Efthimiadou, “Palatial and non-palatial industrial production in Mycenaean Greece”
M. Paipeti, “Domestic space in Mycenaean Greece”
G. Cadogan, “Unmuddling Middle Minoan: Professor Stelios Andreou’s thread in a Cretan labyrinth”
K. Sbonias, “Settlement trajectories in the island complex of Santorini in the Bronze Age: Thera and Therasia”
A. Touchais and G. Touchais, “Middle Helladic society: power versus kinship”
J. Bennet, “Texts in action: how did writing effect power in LBA Aegean polities?”
R. Jung, “Mycenaean pottery around the Mediterranean”
S. Triantaphyllou, “Burials on the go. The manipulation of the dead in the prehistoric Aegean under a taphonomic point of view”
K. Efkleidou, “Beyond kinship: the OIKOS paradigm as an alternative to understanding social organization in the Argolid during the Late Bronze Age”
S. Nanoglou, “‘We, the people’: constituent moments in Aegean prehistory”
N. Valasiadis, “The ‘Battle of Crete’ war cemeteries”
N. Efstratiou, “Island archaeology through the paradigms of recent approaches: the case of Lemnos”
L. Vokotopoulos, “Μορφή των εγκαταστάσεων και χρήσεις του αγροτικού τοπίου στην Ανατολική Κρήτη κατά την Παλαιοανακτορική και τη Νεοανακτορική εποχή: συνέχειες και τομές”
E. Tsiolaki, “The Early Bronze Age period in Southwestern Messenia: contextualizing the Pylos Regional Archaeological Project evidence”
A. Krahtopoulou, “The many wonders of western Thessaly”
M. Pappa and J. Czebreszuk, “The Anthemous valley archaeological project”
J. Wright, “Hellenism’s most sacred site: the acropolis as a topos for Greek identity”
C. Morgan, “A century of navigation: steering the pre- and proto-history of the Ionian Islands”
J. Whitley, “Bridging the narrative divide: Bild und Lied before and after the ‘Dark Ages’”
K. Kotsakis, “Archeology in the 2020s: will the (real) scientists in the room please rise?”
L. Stefani and A. Shapland, “Aegean prehistory in Crete and Macedonia in the wake of Venizelo”
D. Panagiotopoulos, “(Un-) central places. Exploring the ancient and modern potential of marginal landscapes”
K. Kasvikis, “Archaeology and education today: a theoretical framework and the Greek case”
A. Koussoulakou, “Archaeological mapping: past and present”
P. Patias, D. Kaimaris, and T. Roustanis, “A new beginning”
E. Lemos: Conference Epilogue