Calls for Papers


On 15 September 2019 submissions are due to the journal SYNERGHEION. Rivista internazionale di studi greci. Lingue, Culture, Società on all aspects of the Greek language and culture, from the prehistoric antiquity to the modern and contemporary age, including their transmission through the ages, the translation activity and the history of tradition and reception of texts and other tangible or intangible resources. Submitted papers can be written in Italian, English, French, and Modern Greek, accompanied by an abstract in English and in the language of the contribution. The academic articles are peer-reviewed by applying the double-blind method, in accordance with international scientific standards. Further information is available at


SOMA 2019

On 1 October 2019 abstracts (2000 characters, title 200 characters) are due for the 23rd annual Symposium On Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 2019): The International Trade Around Mediterranean, to be held on 14-17 November 2019 in Koper, Slovenia. Further information is available at Sessions will include:
Legislation of the cultural heritage
Management and interpretation of underwater cultural heritage
Tools and methods (conservation, restoration, documentation, excavation)
Maritime cultural landscapes
Ports, harbours, and anchorages
Material culture of maritime trade
Seafaring and navigation


WAC – 9

On 15 October 2019 session submissions (300 words maximum) are due for the 9th World Archaeological Congress (WAC – 9), to be held on 5-10 July 2020 in Prague. On 15 December 2019 session abstracts will be announced and on 21 March 2020 submissions of individual papers and posters are due. Further information is available at


8th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology

On 28 October 2019 session and paper proposals are due for the 8th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern, to be held on 1-4 June 2020 in Athens. Further information is available from Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


CAA 2020

On 15 November 2019 abstracts for presentations are due for the annual conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2020): iNside iNformation, to be held on 14-17 April 2020 in Oxford. Further information is available at


14th International Congress of Thracology

On 30 November 2019 abstracts (500 words maximum) for presentations are due for the 14th International Congress of Thracology: ThRACing the Past from Bronze Communities to Iron Kingdoms, to be held on 6-9 May 2020 in Deva, Romania. Further information is available at